East mountain rises again!!! I think I sound like a deranged person when I said that. It is a nice feeling, to start my collection once again. Reminded me of the times when I was introduced to be@rbricks by meowie24. Missed out on a lot since I stopped for about 2 years. The latest series is number 13, back that it was still single digits, hahaha.
Makes me wonder how they managed to find to many people to design so many different variations of these be@rs. I think one of my dream jobs would be to be asked to design a limited edition be@rbrick with a specific theme.In each series, there are alphabet bears that spell B.e.@.r.b.r.i.c.k, Jellybean, Pattern, Flag, Horror, SF (science fiction), Cute, Animal, Artist & Secret Artist. The Jellybean be@r would be of a single transparent colour, the Animal be@r would have designs that resemble an animal & so on & so forth. There are 10001 things to discuss about be@rbricks & I do not want to bore you with all the details. If interested, let us talk more about it over coffee. Oh yah, the rarity is denoted in % in the side of the box.
As shown here, this is the SF be@r in Series 13. Every be@r comes with it's own "name card".The back view of the be@r If the be@r is removed from it's plastic bag, it is not considered mint & the value will fall significantly. Many things to discuss about the authenticity of a be@r.
It feels good to be back.
Ja neh!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
My first Series 13 Be@rbrick
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, December 31, 2006 0 comments
Labels: bearbrick
Born a Manchester United fan, forever a Manchester United fan
Finally got my hands on this be@rbrick that I haveen wanting to buy since I first saw it on the shop's website. Recevied a call from Chan (boss) that new stock has arrived & that I could collect it from his shop. I asked if it was still first come first serve but he told me that 01 piece has been reserved for me. So touched.
Went down to Far East one wet wet evening & quickly made my way to the shop, on the 4th level I believe. Chan was not around so the "pretty girl behind the counter" went to get the be@rbrick from inside a "secret cupboard" & called Chan to ask how much he was going to sell me.
He mentioned on the phone before that there would be a discount when I enquired about the selling price as I have forgotten how much was quoted on the website. On the way down, me & Yuri were speculating how much would be the discount."If they selling at 69.90sgd (assumed price, I really do not know the initial offer), den maybe he sell you 69sgd loh"
"But I used to buy a lot of be@rbricks from him a long time ago leh, maybe he remembered me & give me at 65sgd leh?"
"Hmmm... Sounds reasonable".
When I heard my "special price" I had a little wind knocked out of me. It was must lower than what I had expected. I took out my NETS card to pay & as "pretty girl behind the counter" was punching in the numbers into the cash register & NETS terminal, the phone rang again.
My "special price" has just been reduced again!!! I broke a little wind because more was knocked out of me.
What has I done to deserve such good prices!!!
Woo hoo!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, December 31, 2006 3 comments
Labels: bearbrick
Saturday, December 30, 2006
My first Ferrari (F430 Spider)
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, December 30, 2006 1 comments
Labels: lego
Timbre @ Armenian Street
Finally had some time for a night out without having to think about anything else to distract me. Met up with Mana123 & decided to join one of our common friend who was meeting his cousin (studying for her masters in kinesiology or some something like that in Australia). Why are the people that I meet very smart, or very rich or make me very painful in my buttocks?
Anyway, this is my first time going to this place. Happy hour should end by 2030hrs or thereabouts (not sure of the actual times) & you get a free pizza or something like that if you order a certain amount of alcohol. Alas, by the time everybody placed their orders after settling down, Happy Hour was over & Sad Hour is here. Hahahah.
The location is a bit out of the way as it is situated in some part of S'pore I have not been before but a little footwork should get you there in around 10 mins from City Hall MRT station. Registry of Marriages (ROM) is nearby, so is S'pore Management University (SMU). There is a small carpark outside of the building.
The range of alcohol & wines is decent but I guess the food has a slight edge over the over watering holes. We order fries which was absolutely delicious & totally unhealthy. Slurp. Another guy I met that night, ordered some sort of pasta. The price range is around the upper-middle range.
It was a good thng we were a little earlier than the crowd that came in subsequently. As I made my way to the toilet to relieve the Pore Water Pressure (PWP), there was a queue snaking ot of Timbre. This place seems popular!!!
The main attraction of going to this place would be the live band sessions through the night. Mostly contemporary pop & a little bit of retro thrown in for good measure. Not too shabby, but not good enough for me. After listening to William Scorpion in Dragonfly, he is my standard of a powerful voice. Wow!!!The exterior mural on the side of the building. Very nicely done. Did not take many pictures that night as I was not in a photo-whore mood. Nevertheless, I would still go back if someone asked. Oh yah, they are pretty strict on the smoking zone policy. No standing at a corner away from the no-smoking-tables to puff the magic dragon. The staff will ask you to walk all the way to the other side of the building where the smoking zone is. So smokers, go very early to secure a table in the zmoking zone.
Oh yah, I had red wine that night. Not too bad, but that is all I can say because my knowledge of wines is zero.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, December 30, 2006 0 comments
Labels: places with alcohol
Finally, I have graduated
Many things have happened between the end of the examinations & the release of results, some of which I have revealed in this blog, some of which are secrets I hold close to my heart. This is indeed the day I have been waiting for a very long time. 26 years or thereabouts. The day which most parents expect to see too, when I graduate from a university.
The road has indeed been long, but I have made it & so have some of my closest friends.
& many others which my feeble brain is unable to recall each of the names. A million apologies.
EK7, we are all waiting for you at the finish line, hang in there.
Now I have some spare time on my hands, I would like to take this opportunity to update my blog more frequently.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, December 30, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
My deepest condolences 03
It is a sad day for me & my friends as we mourn the loss of the grandfather of one of my closest, bestest friends. We cannot feel the pain you have gone through but we will be with you every step of the way, for as long as you need us. I have decided to leave out names & other details.
I pray that his soul finds peace, your family finds closure & you find the strength to live life to the fullest as your grandfather has done.
If you need me, you know where & how to find me.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, December 19, 2006 0 comments
Labels: condolences
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Scarlet
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, December 09, 2006 0 comments
Labels: hotel
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Manchester United 100% Bearbrick
I have been a Manchester United Football Club fan longer than I could remember. I bought my one & only Man Utd jersey when I was in secondary 2 & it has stayed with me all these years. Back then it was big enough to be worn as PJs but now it is a little too snug for my liking. Meowie24 first introduced me to be@rbricks in year 2004 or thereabouts & I was hooked on them ever since. I guess there is some primitive urge to collect things that come in a set in everyone of us, so I guess be@rbricks awoken that caveman instinct in me. What better time to introduce this limited edition Man Utd be@rbrick than now?
Have not found the time go go down to earthx to place a deposit for the pre-order. Hope I make it in time.
I is too late. Sold out.
Sob sob.
Better get my hands on them asap!!!
Life is good once again!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, December 07, 2006 2 comments
Labels: bearbrick
Monday, December 04, 2006
Ikea @ Tampines
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, December 04, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Friday, December 01, 2006
It is like a dream come true, isn't it. To think that in 1997 or thereabout, internet access as a privilege few could afford due to the premium prices that one has to fork our ro stay connect to the world on the information superhighway, at horrendously slow speeds too. Think twice before downloading that illegal mp3 because it could take 30 minutes at those primitive speeds. Now, to being to an end to the year 2006, we have free wireless broadband access in most public places, especially in the Central Business District (CBD). While it is not meant to replace internet access at home, it does provide an avenue for people to work on the go, or make their time more productive.
I remember one Chinese text telling a story of how a prominent scientist's friend was late & when he arrived, apologized profusely for wasting his precious time. That prominent scientist replied that no time was wasted at all as he had just solved a complexed equation while he was waiting, doing the calculations in his head!!! What kind of nerd does that?!!!
Anyway, here are the places where we can get Wireless@SG for now. More will be added as time goes by.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, December 01, 2006 0 comments
Labels: wireless at sg
End of exams (Dec 2006)
The examinations have ended. For now. No idea what my results will be like. 3 papers are on the knife's edge, it could so go the other if Lady Luck is not very happy with me. Come to think of it, She is not happy with me most of the time. I pray that the bell curve gets shift all the way to the left. No inspiration for new posts at the moment, even less motivation to finish previous incomplete articles. Let the dust settles for a wittle while more before I get my posterior moving.
I hope all of us can graduate as soon as possible, then make our mark in this society, of which there are many things I am unsatisfied with.
Widening income gap is my main concern.
I must break out of the poverty cycle!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, December 01, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Sunday, November 26, 2006
For those struggling with their sanity because of the examinations
I just want to say, when you think you have hit rock bottom & things can't get any worse, the only way to go now is up!!!
Up, up & away!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, November 26, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Stubborn cow
I cut my nails again because I found them a wee bit too long for my liking. Sigh. Why can't I just wait till after the examinations?
Everything I studied is now in the wastepaper basket.
Back to square one.
I'm such an idiot.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, November 26, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Friday, November 24, 2006
All nighter in Seminar Room 6 (S3)
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, November 24, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Congraulations Shawn & Michelle
It has been around two year since I met Shawn. During my attachment with LTA (Land Transport Authority), my direct supervisor was transferred to the Bishan site, therefore Shawn was indirectly tasked with looking after me, the struggling intern.
Now he is getting married. How times have flashed pass us in a blink of an eye. I have not have the pleasure of meeting his wife yet, as we were busy with our respective lives & especially Shawn, with the preparation & planning for the wedding dinner.
Dinner was held at Sheraton Towers, where the nearest MRT station is Novena I think. Before the dinner started, the tables were bathed in lights the colours of the rainbow.The announcement of Shawn & Michelle's wedding at the bottom of the flight of stairs leading up to the 2nd level where the ballroom is located.
The little souvenir that was given to every guest. I would liek to take this opportunity to wish them a marriage that last till the end of time, like the figurines. Growing old together.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, November 19, 2006 0 comments
Labels: weddings
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Exam welfare goodie bag from Se7en
Studying makes me hungry really quickly, even though not much of the brain is being utilized. It is during times like these when I snack a little.
Thank you for the goodie bag bro!!!Ferrari Enzo not included.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, November 18, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Weirdo spotted at Kallang McDonald's
A very strange & weird man has been spotted @ the above mentioned place, just sitting there smiling, never moving. Not even when it rains cats & dogs or when the sun is scorching. He does not cover his nose when exhaust fumes from the cars fill the air. I suspect he has been holding his breathe for a very long time when I could not feel it when I hold my hand out in front of his nostrils.
He wears lipstick!!! How queer is that?
When he was not looking, I crept up to him & secretly took his picture. Shhh... Don't tell him that.
From the above post, I hope you can see how stress I am right now. If I go bananas & lose my memory & do not recognize you or say mean things which I do not mean, please forgive me & remember me the way I have always been. Friendly, understanding, caring & kind.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, November 16, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Exam Taboo 01
Do your remember the saying that knowledge should be at your fingertips? Well, I just cut my nails so I guess the knowledge at my "fingertips" are now in the dustbin.
Damn, I have forgotten the little knowledge I have revised so far!!!
Sigh, time to start all over again & go back to the drawing board.
Do not cut your fingernails or remove the dirt that has accumulated underneath them!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, November 14, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Public announcement 01
Abovementioned blog will be suspended till further notice by abovementioned administrator due to his revision for the examinations. Abovementioned administrator would like to thank all readers, both real & imagined, for their time reading abovementioned administrator's nonsense & boring posts about thing the administrator has seen or heard or smelled or touched or tasted & sometimes uncharacteristic rants.
P.S. Some middle aged malay guy pissed me off yesterday in Tampines Mall as I was going for my dinner. He asked if I wanted to "take it outside". This is not meant to be racist, but if you want to do things that discredit your own kind, be my guest. If you want to bring me to court for stating the ethnic group the bad person belongs to, be my guest too.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, November 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Thursday, November 09, 2006
How to get to George's
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, November 09, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff, places with alcohol
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Central @ Tampines Mall
Finally decided to see for myself what all the fuss is about. I believe there is another branch somewhere out there, in Singapore. Plaza Singapura??? Anyway this trip was not planned as me, mum & Yuri had gone to Courts to look at some furniture beforehand. The facade of the eating place. Can facade be used in this situation? Anybody knows? Okie, this is the "dian mian" or the front of the shop. Also the trademark or "zhao pia". My Hanyu Pinyin is getting rusty. Lots of seats for you to sit as they anticipate long queues & waiting times just to eat their food. Egotistic or good service? Very thin line in between there is.
The menu on display outside the eating place. The ones we had at the table were old & seems like they have been used & abused. I guess it is time for them to update the food selection on the menu as well as make new copies to give hungry people a good first impression of the place. Revise the menu but not the prices!!! Do not be like Cafe Cartel, increasing the price whenever they add or remove food items from their menu. Cafe Cartel is officially on my black list (more on that in just a bit).
My dinner. Nissin noodles with 2 fraking thin pieces of luncheon meat & an egg that is too hard-boiled. Defnitely not value for money. Taste delicious because of all the MSG (aijinomoto?) & not because the cook manages to bring out the best flavour of the freshest ingredients & blend them together into a harmonious combination. Nevertheless, I love what I ate. Will not be going back to try this, but will attempt to cook this myself, for a fraction of the cost of what I paid. Central, if you are reading this, though I doubt you willpay attention to what I say because the crowds somehow just keeps coming, I will not pay premium prices for something even my mother can make better than you!!!
Yuri's Nissin noodle with spicy chicken wing. I heard the chicken wing was the saving grace of this dish. Spicy, tasty, not bloody. I hate to see blood in my chicken. We all know that the poor chickens were murdered & frozen & shipped to faraway places like Singapore (though we are not part of China!!!), but please make sure the parts are washed, cleaned & cooked properly. We are paying for food, you have a duty to be professional.
Cunning Devil's durian fried rice!!! To be continued.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, November 05, 2006 0 comments
Labels: food