It's kind of like a new type of friendster where you can invite people to join your clique & the one thing different is that people primarily use it to post videos, usually of themselves, along with their profile & what not. Itz pretty cool so come have a look. Woke up early for lessons today but somehow all the bad feelings come gushing back at me, as if the only way out is to self-destruct, so decided to surf around a wee bit. I've listed some of the videos I perfsonally like, so enjoy them when u need some time off from whatever you are busy with. Cheers.
Real life ninja moves
Robot dance
Mad Korean girls
Videos might take a little while to upload, depending on your native bandwidth allocayion & the current health of the network, so hang in there. I suggest pausing the video for a few seconds if it's taking a while to upload so when it's done, you can view it in one continous motion.
Ja neh!!!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, March 30, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Etiquette in MRT trains
Sigh, have you come across any inconsiderate people while taking public transport? How come the ugly Singaporean is everywhere? Oh well, here's some rules for you uncultured peole to refer to, if not, you might find yourself missing a head or a leg if you come across me & my mean, green killing machine.
(Sorry mysterious blogger, hope you don't mind me linking my entry to your blog.) Read these rules, they might save your life, not to mention make taking public transport so much more enjoyable for everyone else, other than your own selfish, ugly & pathetic self.I wish I stike all the first prize in Toto & 4D for a few weeks in a row so I can get my own set of wheels. Got many bastards out there on the road but at least I can run them over with my armoured tank if I don't like the way they drive or the look of their faces.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, March 26, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Rei, I will always love you
Since we're still on the topic of attractive women (attractive to me, not you), real or otherwise, here's another picture I got off somebody's yahoo auction. When I saw the price he's asking for this figurine, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets & my jaw hit the table & I drooled all over my kepboard. 450sgd!!! It's really nice, with great attention to details. I guess it's hand-painted, & a very accurate representation of how a woman's body should look like in a perfect world. We don't live in a perfect world, so I love you girls all the same, no matter what your body type is (I'm lying, I only like those I find attractive, heez).
Name : Rei Ayanami
Age : 14
Gender : Female
Occupation : Student (in NTU I hope!!!) & Evangelion pilot
Rei is extremely timid, shy and at times almost seems withdrawn from the world around her. She finds it incredibly hard to express her feelings towards others and as a consequence isn't the kind of person who makes friends that easily. All of Rei's personnel records have been erased, she has no parents and there is no trail leading to her past, it would seem that her existence begins at a dead end.
She was the first child to be chosen to pilot an Eva, in particular EVA-00, in accordance with the Marduk institute. Though unfortunately she was seriously injured during her first attempt to synchronise with her Eva when it mysteriously went out of control. Fortunately Commander Ikari rescued her and she survived the accident, her next attempt at synchronisation was successful and she has now become the active pilot of EVA-00. Whether or not this is by choice is unknown, Rei simply seems to do as she is told without complaining, something which Shinji is known for doing.
The truth is though, Rei is in fact not human, that is not entirely. She is a by-product of the human instrumentality project, artificially created and implanted with the soul of Yui Ikari. Rei has only one soul, however, NERV have created multiple bodies, or vessels, for Rei's soul in the event of her death. Indeed Rei is killed twice, by both Naoko Akagi and the sixteenth Angel.
Adapted from the following website
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, March 25, 2006 0 comments
Labels: my lovers
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Small is beautiful
Frankly speaking, it should be a crime to be that attractive. Well, physically attractive, because I can't tell what is her personality like from the picture. Lots of people can't tell a person's intentions even after knowing them for a period of time too. Scary isn't it? Us humans, always wearing a mask even amongst our loved ones. Anyway do enjoy the eye candy.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, March 22, 2006 0 comments
Labels: my lovers
Monday, March 20, 2006
Liverpool fans, how low can you go???
Anfield admits excrement thrown at Utd fans!!!
Liverpool have apologised to Manchester United for the behaviour of their fans during last month's highly-charged FA Cup tie at Anfield.
The club and Merseyside Police have carried out an investigation after a number of incidents where United fans at the Anfield Road end were attacked by home supporters.
There was one incident of human excrement being thrown towards United supporters as well as coins and food being aimed in their direction. Liverpool stadium and operations manager Ged Poynton has written to United admitting standards of behaviour had 'fallen short' of that expected. Poynton added in the News of the World: 'We hold our hands up as a club. We deplore what certain fans have done. 'I use the word coward very reservedly but I class anyone who wants to throw a coin or something else when they are leaving as cowards. 'I am ashamed to admit in one case excrement was thrown.
How low can you get?
We did what we could, we tried to brush people down and compensate those involved.' Tensions between the rivals had been running higher than usual going into the February 18 match - won 1-0 by Liverpool - after a controversial end to a Premiership encounter between the sides the previous month. United's Gary Neville had run to celebrate in front of Liverpool fans after Rio Ferdinand headed a later winner at Old Trafford. The cup tie was also marred by a section of home fans taunting United's Alan Smith after breaking his leg late in the match.
Soccernet article
I'm glad Manchester United fans are so much more gracious & mature. Angry liao. Grr grr!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, March 20, 2006 0 comments
Labels: football
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Happy Birthday Cedric!!!
Cedric's my nephew. I had not expected the day when I become an uncle to come so soon. And it suddenly hit me in the face when I realized that he's already a year old. He's the son of my cousin who got married not too long ago, so technically, that makes me his uncle right? OMG!!! (Oh My Goodness!!!) I'm old. I've nothing to me name & I'm still struggling to graduate from NTU. How depressing is that? My cousin has a career (Navy regular), a wife (Hazel), a ONE year old son (Cedric) & probably his own house & car. Me? I live with my parents, studying on Daddy's Scholarship, a few certificates to my name, & ABSOLUTELY no savings!!! Anyway how to save when there's no money to be saved right? Let's not get all depressed. Went to Suntec to look for figts for Cedric & Darren (friend's kid). Bought them Ernies!!! Hand puppets.
Bought cards too when passing by Citylink Mall. Very cheap!!! Opps... Can you make a guess whether what's written on the envelope is printed or done by hand?
The cover of the birthday card for Cedric. I chose the ship because both his parents are from the Navy
The inside of the card.
Dickson (my married cousin, I'm next in line in terms of age) got the whole Chng family together for a dinner in a restaurant called Spring Court (Yong Chun Yuan) which moved from somewhere to it's present location beside Chinatown Point. Bob Pang's wedding dinner was also held in the same resuaurant, back in the old location.
Singing the birthday song for the birthday boy.The birthday ice cream cake, yummy!!!
The evening ended with all of us stuffed & satisfied.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, March 18, 2006 0 comments
Labels: birthdays
Thursday, March 16, 2006
NTU Motor Fest 2006
I did not attend the event even though I was technically "in school" throughout the duration of the MotorFest. Could not find any kaki to go along with me so I gave it a miss. I did pass by the area before the official even was launched & this is how it looked like.
Nice white tents to keep the expensive cars away fromt he elements of nature> These cars cost a bomb!!! Could buy so many Cheap Korean Taxis aka Hyundai Sonatas.
Heez. I complain about it all time, look at more expensive & exotic cars all the time, but nevertheless I love my Cheap Korean Taxi. It's not fuel economical, it's sluggish, but it's roomy & they sell it for a song. I feel safe in the driver's seat. I feel like I can outrun any car (normal car lah, not WRX & Evo!!!) & I'm confident of it's handling. Why am I singing her praises? I must be suffering from Driving Withdrawal Syndrome. Hint hint!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, March 16, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Monday, March 13, 2006
Like mother like daughter
Gramdma on the left, mummy on the right. Do they look alike? Dinner at some vegetarian restaurant in Geylang. Food was decent, ambience was decent. Not too bad for a place known for it's hawker food than restaurants.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, March 13, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Happy Birthday Darence!!!
Today's Darence's birthday, so it was decided that we would go out for lunch, while a surprise birthday cake (not so surprising in the end) was being bought so we can have dessert after lunch. Went to 907 coffeeshop where birthday boy gave us a treat. Each of us got to choose a dish so I asked the auntie taking our orders what was the most expensive dish they had. However, i ordered the vegetables in the end. Not as good as I expected but the the rest were okie. The cereal in the cereal prawns was absolutely smashing. How can cereal taste so good?
The birthday cake. Black forest. Yummy!!!
Birthday boy making a wish. I wonder what he wished for? A BWM 7 series, Dean of CEE suddenly telling him that he can graduated with first class honours without taking any more exams (I also want!!!), erm, we quickly sing him a birthday song so we can turn back on the fans because we were all sweating profusely??? Hmmm...
Birthday boy cutting the cake with the plastic knife. Slurp slurp!!!
Group photo. A bit blur because we didn't use a tripod.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, March 13, 2006 0 comments
Labels: birthdays
Friday, March 10, 2006
Toyota Prius 2006
Hybrid cars have always attracted me because of their superior fuel economy & at the same time I can also do my bit for the environment. When I was in university, there was a recycling bin at the bus stop & I would set aside all recycables like paper & plastics & drink cans & bring them to the recycling bin when it was full.One of the main reasons for havng excellent fuel economy is that it translates into lower operating costs in the long term. The more you use the car, the more you save. This should offset the higher initial cost of owning a hydrib vehicle here in Singapore.
Right now, I do believe that the road tax for hydrid cars is based on housepower rather than displacement. I wonder who is the moron who though of this scheme. Why should hydrid cars be taxed differently from normal petrol engine cars? If my hybrid car has a 1-litre engine but advances in technology made it possible to produce very small electric motors that will give me the equivalent of 200bhp, won't my tax be as high as that for maybe 3-litre car when it is more fuel efficient & environmentally friendly?
They should given even more incentives instead of "penalizing" us who support hybrid engines. We are the ones who made a choice to save the earth, why should have to pay because we made the obviously better choice? Even Hollywood stars drive this particular model. I do not know whether it is to make a politically correct statement or they really want to drive it.
I hope more models with hybrid engines will be launched in the market soon so we consumers have better choice. Right now, there is only the Honda Civic Hybrid & Toyota Prius in our local market.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, March 10, 2006 0 comments
Labels: cars
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Honda Civic Hybrid 2006
Seems like very hard to find information on this car on the net or even pictures of the Honda Civic Hybrid. Many pictures on the normal Civic though. Think this will be the first car I get. What attracts me is the look of the car, the futuristic technology being integrated into the car like regenerative braking & most of all is the fuel economy.
Motoring @ AsiaOne's article on the Honda Civic Hybrid
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, March 09, 2006 0 comments
Labels: cars
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Sony Ericsson K800/K790
Specifications for the Sony Ericsson K800/K790
Band : UMTS 2100MHz (K800), GSM 900/1800/1900MHz or GSM 850/1800/1900MHz Data : EDGE (K790) or UMTS (K800) Size : 105mm x 47mm x 22mm Weight : 115g Battery Life : 350 hours standby time, 2.5 hours UMTS, 7 hours GSM talk time Main Display : 262k color TFT LCD, 240x320 pixel resolution Sub-Display : N/A Camera : Yes, 3.2 megapixel with auto focus Video : Video capture/playback Messaging : MMS/EMS/SMS Email : Yes Bluetooth : Yes Infrared : Yes Java : Yes (MIDP v2.0) Polyphonics : Yes Memory : 64MB on board memory, Memory Stick Micro (M2) expansion, Sony Ericsson has just announced the launch of a few more models of mobile phones & they really got me excited. Imagine a candy bar form factor mobile phone with a footprint not too far off my present SE K750 & with so much more features packed into it!!! 3.2 megapixels!!! It's almost like having a real camera in your mobile. When I got the SE K 750, i was elated with the picture quality & the functionality of their wonderfully-designed mobiles. I guess they have one-upped on themselves & achieve such a major breakthrough. Nothing compared to Samsung's 7 (SEVEN!!!) megapixel camera mobilt with 3x (THREE TIMES!!!) optical (BLOODY OPTICAL!!!) zoom, but I personally feel SE mobiles are much more comfortable to use than their korean counterparts. I have used Ericsson (before they merged with Sony's handphone department), Motorola (back in the Startac days), Nokia (a few models, not just one), Samsung (which was also my first camera handphone), & presently, SE. So I do know a little of what I'm talking about when it comes to user interface.
Must save money!!! Must resist urge to buy new handphone, especially when the K750 is still in good working conditions (the joystick sometimes give me problems & the urge to just smash the phone onto the concrete floor). Sigh
Ja neh...
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, March 08, 2006 0 comments
Labels: gadgets
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Uno @ correlian
The week is finally here again (actually I dread weekends because it would meant that another week has just passed without any real work done) & the guys decided to go down to Correlian for some drinks and chit chat. Nothing special happened, we sat around at a table, the drinkers drank, the smokers smoked, usual gossip about girls & the size of their mammary glands, or lack of fullness, etc etc. However, I do believe that small is indeed beautiful. Anyway, instead of the usual chua dai di, Josephine said she brought Uno instead!!! Yeah!!! Childhood game which I used to play after exams in primary and secondary school.
Time passed really fast while we were there, & personally, I prefer playnig Uno instead of the other card games. Not only depends on skill, but also luck, & a little bit of strategy planning in between.
Those present were junkie2807, tempo15, D.A. & CCCC.
Around 0200hrs, we decided to call it a night & I wanted to sit merc cab. So we were looking out for the "high class taxi" but there were none in sight. In fact, there were relatively few taxis that night. Srange. Many cabs stop near us or slowed down as they pass us by, hoping we would flag them, but we did not bite the bait. Serves them right for choosing customers. Now it's my turn to choose whichever cab I'm happy with. I have had a few unpleasant incidents with taxi drivers & all their whining about how difficult it is to make a living by driving a cab totally pisses me off. They deserve no sympathy from me and I expect none from them. I pay, they drive me to where I want to go, the way I want them to go. Oops, I sidetracked.
Finally, we found a merc cab, & reached Hall 11 & Hall 16 safe & sound. Time for a shower, & a good night's sleep.
Uno, anyone?
What is uno?
How uno is played.Uno (Dora the Explorer Edition)
Uno (Barbie California Girl Edition)
Uno (Peanuts Edition)
Uno (New York Yankees Edition)
Uno (Harry Potter Edition)
Uno (Simpsons Edition)
Uno (Seattle Mariners Edition)
Uno (Sesame Street Edition)
Uno (Ren & Stimpy Edition)
Uno (Southpark Edition)
Uno (Nintendo Edition)
Uno (New York Edition)
Uno (Fantastic Four Edition)
Uno (H2O Edition)
Uno (Banna Barbera Edition)
Uno (Hello Kitty Edition)
Uno (Barbie Edition)
Uno (Betty Boop Edition)
Uno (Care Bears Edition)
Uno (Disney Edition)
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 0 comments
Labels: places with alcohol