This song never fails to very nearly bring a tear to my eye.
So sad right? Sigh. Love can make a person, it can also
break a person. Have you been hurt by that special
someone? Well, love like you have never been hurt before.
Someone out there will definitely see you as who you really
are, & treasure the way you dare to love without restaint.
Diasterous attempt to have both chinese & english words together
我早該知道 妳只是偶爾的需要
習慣了妳的味道 擋風成了我的驕傲
每個心跳 開始都計算不到
難道給我的回報 只是陪妳在他的懷抱
做妳的外套 只能穿梭妳的外表
做妳的外套 擁抱著卻不被擁抱
我能擁有什麼 答案早就明瞭
學會哭也能笑 OH NO
怎麼不聽勸告 怎麼不被想要
Thursday, September 28, 2006
動力火車 - 外套
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, September 28, 2006 0 comments
Labels: songs
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Revenge @ the Stadium of Light
Match was decided by a moment of brillance from French striker Saha. This gave Man Utd their first away win in many many years (I'm guessing three years). However this is not the time for the Red Devils to be resting on their laurels.
There is still much more groundwork to be done & also the grooming of leadership for the next generation of players to take over the present Class of 92 & the rest.
Enough said.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, September 27, 2006 0 comments
Labels: football
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The smell of Blood is in the Devil's Lair
In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, let blood be shed in Lisbon, as the Red Devils prepares to take revenge on Benfica for the defeat that sent them out of last seasson's Champion's League.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, September 26, 2006 0 comments
Labels: football
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)'s iChat
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, September 26, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Macallan (12 years) & (18 years) single malt whisky
This is a brand of whisky I do not see very often in Singapore. Actually this is the first time I have seen it at a pup along East Coast Road beside Siglap Centre. Will update more about the pub if I have more pictures & the time. As some of you have noticed, Correlian is now in-between locations now & therefore I amm left high & dry when I want to have a nightcap or a place to watch the EPL matches.
One relatively late night, I met up with DK7, Osim & Maomao17 supper @ 126 when we decided to go for drinks. For the first time in my life, Maomao17 came to fetch me in his car!!! This is indeed a super rare event. Hahaha. Anyway the pub they frequent was closed unusually early for the night to we made our way down to Siglap centre. That was where I had initial contact with the place in general, the particular pub & of course Macallan, single malt whisky.
I have absolutely no idea of what whisky is, let along single malt whisky, Scotch, blah blah blah. I do not know exactly what the distillation process is, or the other ingredients that go into making the alcohol. I have never read up on the history of a type of alcohol, e.g. vokda or beer. In short, I only know how to drink & get high. :(
This is not good.
Anyway, don't want to bore you with the minute details & the finer points. I'll leave the alcohol analysis to the wine experts because that is what they are paid for.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 24, 2006 0 comments
Labels: places with alcohol
PSP variants
Seems like PSP is following in the footsteps of Nintenso & releasing colour variants in order to appeal to a larger target market. Previously, the PSP was only widely available in black with limited editions in white. The white version is my personal favourite until they launched the latest colours.Pink to appeal to those with XX chromosomes. Or those XYs who are supremely confident of their masculinity & want to show a softer, more approachable side to their exterior.
Camouflage to appeal to those looking for some tactical entainment while out on exercise or during field camp. Remember SAF's Golden Rule. Do whatever you want but do not get caught. Well, if you are an officer or instructor, you should have some "admin time".
Solid colours for the rest of us. Yellow, red, blue. Seems like they got their inspiration from the primary colours (not exactly those colours but it will not make a difference because who can tell apart the million of colours apart?)
No idea whether these will be available to the Singapore market, but if obliged to make a choice, I want all of them!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 24, 2006 0 comments
Labels: psp
Paris Hilton - Nothing in this world
Sigh, was depressed that Man Utd played worse than what I was hoping to see tonight, so I got home, had a quick shower & decided to surf YouTube videos again. Chanced upon PH's new single. I have taking quite a liking to it, never mind the fact that PH is in the video.
She might just carve out a decent singing career for herself. Let us wait & see.
Hair drying soon. Got to sleep.
Ja neh
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 24, 2006 0 comments
Labels: songs
Friday, September 22, 2006
Assembling global coordinates matrix
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, September 22, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
Singapore Science Center
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, September 22, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Nokia Starlight Cinema 2006
The annual outdoor film fextival is back again & it will be held at the Padang for the secong year running. The first time I went to a Starlight Cinema event was something by chance & it happened a few years back, back in the year 2001 or 2002 I assumed.
Meowie's friend had two tickets but could not make it due to some last minute changes so Friend passed the tickets to Meowie & we went instead. It was truely an experience I never had before. Going there totally unprepared for it, we sat on the grass while others brought along straw mats or large beach towels. We bought potato chips & other snacks from NTUC while the prepared came with elaborate picnic baskets stocked with cold cuts, bread & red wine. Those baskets with dedicated compartments for wine glasses, bottle opener, plates & utensiles!!!
I want one of those picnic baskets so I can bring some homemade bee hoon, chicken curry from the can, an ice box for ice cubes, a 1.5 litre of coke & a bottle of Martell Cordon Bleu to the movies. It would be heaven on earth. It could be the perfect dates (actually I have a few other scenarios that would qualify as a perfect date, & no, having sex with my date on the first date is not one of them!!!)
Despite the last minute arrangement, we went early to get good "seats" (it was free seating) & before they played the movie, Kumar (our local comedian & resident joker at the now-defunct Boom Boom Room) did an opening act & left the audience in stitches.
I totally enjoyed the evening & look forward to reliving the experience again this year. Anybody care to join me?
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, September 21, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Ben & Jerry's (Singapore)
Nothing must to talk about except wanna share with you guys about the locations where you can get ben & Jerry's ice cream in Singapore. The Suntec outlet is opposite Carrefour check-out counters.
Have not stepped into the scoop shop yet. Will do so in the very near future because recess weel is coming. I will need all the comfort food to keep what little sanity I have left.Not much information on the website in my opinion.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, September 21, 2006 0 comments
Labels: food
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Big Ben's Place @ Swan Lake Avenue
Another new place in the east that I have not heard of or been to. This joint serves very nice western food such as dead chick with skin, dead chicken with batter, dead fish & dead potatoes, dead lamb (poor meh meh), severed chicken arms (not so sure about this, can anybody verify?), the usual you can find in any western food joint. What sets it apart is the location, level of service & ambience.
The interior of the place. Se7en told me that the placed used to have natural air conditioning only. Thank goodness now there is Daiken doing the conditioning of the air.
Oh yah, I forgot to mention that this place is famous for it's pies. Homemade British pies. I didnot know i was an Englishman staying in England. If it is homemade & British, then I must be staying in England right? Or my IQ has fallen by more than a few notches since the last time I had my brain checked?IBC root beer. No idea what the IBC stands for. Any guesses? International Beer Company? Internal Bleeding Condition? Erm, how abot Idiots Bastards, Cucubirds (should be spelt as ku ku birds right?)? Anyway, during my maiden visit (virgin visit? why do I always think about sex?), they missed out my IBC in the biil. Yeah! Free root beer.
Acoording to their website & another website listing all the nice food in Singapore & where you can find the stalls, they used to be located somewhere in Bedok. Their new location is Swan Lake Avenue in Opera Estate. Swan Lake Avenue, how cool is that!!! I knew a girl (above 90% out of 100%) who stayed in Shangri-la Walk!!! I want to stay somewhere with a fanciful or out of the ordinary name. Maybe somewhere like Chcolate Chip Drive. If the name of the road sounds high class, even better!!! Something like Lynwood grove (sorry 8038, I can only remember this road name that fits the description). Okie, enought of the digression & onto the subject matter. The food. This is dead chicken with no skin but with batter & black pepper sauce. Slightly spicy & the black pepper aroma is not overpowering. One of my personal favourites. Be careful though, you may end up with black pepper bits stuck in between your teeth. Avoid if you are going on a date or meeting your boss / client. Hightly recommended for all other situations.
The same dead chicken (I realise that some people call chicken birds. So technically this is a dead bird, but I like Big Bird so I shall refrain from referring to chickens as birds.), with mushroom sauce. No cloeslaw because I asked it I could exchange the coleslaw for aother serving of mashed potato (with fake bacon bits & pieces of hard boiled egg) but all I got was a 7.964% increase in serving portion, not 100% increase. Sigh. Disappointed in this area. Customer is king!!! If he wants more mashed potato, give it to him!!!
Tomorrow going you know? (Think old McDonald's advert & the little boy).
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 17, 2006 1 comments
Labels: food
Ben, Jerry, Junkie, Cheeky, Cunning Devil, & Yuri Icez
Cheeky had a craving for Ben & Jerry's ice cream so we stopped at the Shell petrol station opposite our block of flats to get a pint of the extremely expensive but very yummy & fattening comfort food.
It cost SGD$11.50 for such a small container of ice cream, OMG!!! It was the most expensive I have ever eaten, but it was almost worth the price. All the flavours are not the run-of-the mill chocolate or strawberry but have names like chocolate chip cookie dough, cherry garcia, etc.
Seems like they have patented a lot of their flavours because of the trademark (TM) beside the names.This is what Marsha Marsha Marshmallow looks like. I did not taste any marshmallows inside neither did I see any, but it was slurp slurp nevertheless. Try it!!!
I propose an ice cream outing some time soon. Further information on Ben & Jerry's scoop shops locations in a later post.Excellent compliment to our frequent Uno sessions. Air conditioning + Uno + A spot of gaming + Great company = Great way
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 17, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Best things come in twos
Check out my new handphone accessory!!! A gift from Yuri Icez, it also has a relative bright white LED bulb at the foot of the bear's feet that is very useful for illuminating dark places. Run by two lithium batteries, it must be really energy draining.
Can you guess which one is one is the female bear & which is the male?
Look carefully at the design on the ear. The female bear on the right has a heart, so I assume that is the female bear. Unfortunately I got the female bear. Maybe I'll exchange it for the male bear the next time I meet Yuri Icez.
Retailing for SGD$12.90 for both, or SGD$6.90 (please verify) for singles, I guess I will be using this for a while since it combines both form & function.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 17, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ugly people in Kallang Mac 02
They appeared in Kallang Mac again.
Grr grr.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, September 12, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Monday, September 11, 2006
Ugly people in Kallang Mac 01
Main characters are a Middle Aged Woman & her Male Assistant who has passed his prime. Male Assistant wanted to plug in Middle Aged Woman's laptop so that she can work for an extended period of time on her laptop. Male Assistant brainlessly turned off the extension plug that is connected to 4 other laptops, one of which is mine. Long Haired Male & my laptop was running solely on AC power & there was no surprises when our screens suddenly went blank, along with whatever data that was unsaved prior to the senseless interruption. Male Assistant sensed out glares & turned round & ask in an arrogant manner if anything was the matter.
Outraged Long Haired Male questioned Male Assistant about what he was trying to do by simply turning off the mains without using his brain to ponder the possibility someone might be running on AC juice instead of DC batteries, or the courtesy to ask if anyone was running without batteries. Male assistant blantantly asked if there was any problem with him turning off the mains & pushed the blame away from him & said he ASSUMED that everybody's laptop ran on batteries while connected to the AC mains. Did not offer an apology but instead said he is not afraid of trouble should we pursue the matter further. What atrocity!!!
Middle Aged Woman rudely interrupts the heated argument & insists that she tasked Male Assistant to connect her laptop to the mains, which is totally totally totally irrelevant to the situation. Does not offer any apology & defiantly maintains she is not in the wrong, or the cause of some inconvenience to say the least. Junkie's blood is boiling over but resists urge to beat the shit out of Middle Aged Woman & brainless Male Assistant. Sigh. Spoiled my day.
Extremely appaled at the ugliness of the couple as Male Assistant disconnected his own extenstion plug & sits somehwere else to do their "work". Turns out that they were just viewing holiday photos. %^$#@@$%!!!
Still resisting the urge to tell them to throw their mother's old smelly shoe (think cantonese insult). If I was a mafia chief, I would immediately summon 1 pick-up of men to come down immediately to Kallang Mac. Not to beat them up, but to torture them so that "beg to live cannot, beg to die also cannot" (think chinese proverb).
I will get the men to bound their limbs & use non-sterile syringes to draw blood from every visible vein in their body & then inject salt water back in. I will burn off all their bodily hair until they are completely hairless. Including eyelashes. I would break all their teeth in & remove their tongue with the McDonald's platic knife that you get when you order Big Breakfast. I would stab their eyeballs with my mechanical pencil. So many evil thoughts going through my evil mind now.
This is a true story.
I have a sadist side to me.
I am still fuming with rage, grr grr!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, September 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sand sculptures
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, September 10, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Saturday, September 09, 2006
USB cable with blue LED for PSP
Another cool accessory for PSP lovers. Actually it is just another accessory for people who like comestic stuff. They serve the same purpose a plain jane component but with bells & whistles. Have you guys seen those USB cables with a lighted end? If I could change all my ordinary USB cables to those, My computer would lightup like a mini christmas tree, especially since i usually leave most of the lights off when I am not studying.
Preferred pc housing
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, September 09, 2006 0 comments
Labels: psp
Friday, September 08, 2006
One million dollars
Her name is "Ang Ku Kueh" & I have been following her blog for a while. Not very active but nevertheless I enjoy reading her blog. Here is her blog.
Enjoy her singing!!!
Wear ear plugs too (you have been warned!!!)
The original song & what it sounds like.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, September 08, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos, songs
Light emitting fabrics
It is not late at night nor am I waiting for my hair to dry after a night of drinking with the guys. It is a Friday night & I am a good boy, staying home to spend time with my family (yah right, I'm hiding in my room, shuuting out all direct contact with the civilized world). Anyway, back to 1 of my favourite pastimes, watching viedos on YouTube. There are many things that can be learnt by searching through the videos that have been uploaded. With both aural & visual stimulation, absorption by the brain, no matter how unused it is or how polluted it has become, is way faster than attempting to transfer information through 1 of the sensory medium.
Imagine the boom for the advertising industry if this innovation were to become mainstream. Possibilities are in theory infinite & it would reach out to a much larger crowd in a more direct way. It is like bring the advertisment to the masses instead of trying to grab their attention from the chaotic information overload we deal with everyday.
Ordinary people can be given t-shirts or any other piece of clothing with the intented advertisment & all they have to do is just make themselves seem, on public transport, in shopping centers or out there in the streets. Advertising has never been so easy. Just wear & show yourselves to the world. Peopledo not have to be specially trained. Some product knowledge, an email address for specific enquires & you have promoters on the go. When you take your battle to the ground level, you can't go too far off the target.
Anyway just enjoy the videos & I hope you enjoying reading my random thought & my nonsense.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, September 08, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Bad blood between Fergie & Ruud
Hmmm, dirty linen is being aired in public now that Ruud has openely said that Fergie has stabbed him in the back by leaving him on the bench despite his performance on the pitch. Well, there are many sides to the story & we can only know what is happening through the media reports & press conferences. Which might not be the true story at all.
Ruud is an excellent professional footballer & he should not believe that anybody's place in the first team is a given despite his past performance. At that point in time before any match, no matter how trivial, the manager has the obligation to choose the best combination of players he has available based on the situation, fitness levels of the players & also future matches where certain players might be needed more or more suitable according to style of playing or level of experience. So many variables have to be considered, not just the reputation or salary level. I believe Rudd was highly paid precisely for this reason. He is a great striker & 1 of only 8 players to score 150 goals for Man Utd, but it must be accompanied by the same level of maturity to match the skills.Skills alone will not take you to the top, neither will past reputation. What matters most is the effort & the determination to do your best whatever the situation may be. If you are placed on the bench for whatever reason, listen to the explaination or go through the rationale behind on your own. Not storm off like a girl (no offence intended) or a little spoilt brat.
While many great players will be most willing to play for 1 of the great clubs in the world like Man Utd, & Fergie has achieved great succcess while at the helm for 20 years, he does have a reputation of being difficult to work with as he expects only the highest standards from everybody & will not compromise even when dealing with superstars who are paid many zillion times more than his salary. However, he should have known by now that sometimes it is more appropriate to use the soft persuasive approach when dealing with his players. Many have fallen out of his favour & subsequently left the club. I feel tremendous saddness everytime this happens. It could be for the better or worst for the club, but it is still painful everytime someone leaves the Theatre of Dreams.
I wish Ruud van Nisterooy all the best in his new club.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, September 08, 2006 0 comments
Labels: football
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Euro 2008 qualifiers record score
There is something wrong with the picture on the left. Germany has scored 13 goals but the scoreline reads only 3. I guess their software cannot handle double digit scores because it happens only one in a million times. Anyway just a little update on the highlights of last night's qualifying match. England won 0 - 1 but I was expecting a better scoreline from them as they faced a country that I have never heard of & they are ranked 67th in the world by FIFA.
Wonder how it feels like to be trashed 13 - 0 at home.
Anyway today is a bad day because I am at home & not in school. Sigh. I'm starting to hate myself again. Severe depression mode pending. Arrggg!!! Maybe it is the same feeling, being trashed 13 - 0 at home, & being at home in my current situation.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, September 07, 2006 0 comments
Labels: football
Friday, September 01, 2006
Parking idiots
Dear readers (as if I have many people reading my blog everyday, like those famous bloggers like Mr Brown or Xiaxue) & drivers, heez.
How many times have we come across people who do not park properly? They park over the lines demarcating the lots, the park so close to your car or even cause a dent in the side of the door when they just swing open their doors without regard for your vehicle?
Well, one of my pet peeves are people who can't drive properly on the road & those who can't park properly, amongst other things. Anyway my kawaii sister introducted me to this blog & I have contributed some pictures I took with the SE K750.
My posts are numbers 363 - 365. Do take a look at them if you are free.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, September 01, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff