我带着一颗疲惫的心走了 我知道自己在你心里已不重要
虽然我们曾经相聚过 也许对于你来说
我带着一颗沉重的心走了 我知道自己没有勇气道别离
虽然我们曾经拥有过 但是对于你来说
难道早以注定 不能真正拥有你
难道我真心付出一切 是为了承受孤单和寂寞
我知道你不敢对我坦白 是不要看到我的伤怀
虽然你没有说要离开我 我已经感到你不再属于我
如果你还爱我 你不会对我如此的冷漠
如果你还爱我 你不会对我如此的冷漠
我只能含着眼泪 默默的离开
I seriously think that Wu Ying Liang Pin are the best thing that has came out of the Malaysian music scene. Too bad they decided to split. Nevertheless another classic from Guang Liang. Loosely translated the song title is "If you still love me".
Ja neh!!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
光良 - 如果你还爱我
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 25, 2007 0 comments
Labels: songs
GST Offset Package
Have you received a nice white letter from the local government telling ou to acknowledge that you want the extra money that they are giving you to make up for increasing the Goods & Services Tax from 5 percentage points to 7 percentage points?
A lot of people think that the increase from 5% to 7% is only 2%. That is what certain Men in White want you to believe. Percentage points is different from percentage. If you are slightly mathematically, you would have already gotten what I am trying to say.
2/5 = 0.4 which translates into an increase of 40%!!! Does your salary increase by 40% every few years? I am pissed, because some people's salary do increase with a range of 17% to 33%. Sigh. When was the last time your pay increment is in double digits? Was there even such a time? We are talking about the employed here, those who have a job & report to work. Not the self-employed, the business owners & the investors.
A very simple explanation. Imagine your child weighs 5kg now. Next year he / she weighs 7kg. So it is an increase of 2kg. However, if you express your answer in percentage, it is an increase in weight of 40%. Get it?
So if money is given to you, just take it!!! However, do spend wisely & not squander it meaninglessly.
I have already acknowledge, what about you?
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 25, 2007 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Deal or no deal
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 25, 2007 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
New York New York @ AMK Hub
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 22, 2007 0 comments
Labels: food
Saturday, May 19, 2007
无印良品 & 黄嘉千 - 故意
This song nearly bought a tear to my eye, & those who know me well enough should know that tears do not come easily. Wu Yin Liang Ping, to me is one of the groups that really have strong vocal talent & do not reply on looks or packaging or publicity to reach the popularity they have achieved. Not much was available on wikipedia on Wu Ying Liang Pin as a group or on Ping Guan but there is a decent article on Guang Liang.
I remember I bought one of their cd albums but I have no idea where it is now. Sigh. I think it had a picture of an orange or donut on it. My memory is failing. It was not packaged in a conventional plastic cd case but in a cardboard & paper book-like thingy.
Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoy this song. I shall post the song lyrics here even though the video is a karaoke with lyrics shown in case it becomes unavailable.
你說你想放棄 而他卻不能說忘就忘 強自鎮定
但淚已滿眶 何不 你只當它 是做一埸戲
我想感情不能勉強 不是互相討好就好
苦苦哀求 其實不能怎樣 再說 他越是在乎
真的只會 會讓我心裡 想逃
不是我要故意對你好 只是已經付出
我還能怎麼樣 難道這樣的要求也算高
是要我消失面前 痛苦才不來到
不是我要故意對你好 妳可曾明白到我
為何要這樣 難道真情逃不過煎熬
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, May 19, 2007 0 comments
Labels: online videos, songs
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Toilet paper dispenser
I want at least one of these in my house!!! ANybody knows where to get them???
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Monday, May 14, 2007
Because I said so
How many times have a seemingly well-meaning parent help us make decisions or insist we stick with their decision because they think they know what is best for us or they think they know it all & their knowledge is actually so out-dated, it would make the 30's seem like yesterday. Well, it has happened to everyone of us & it will continue to happen to our children for as long as time never stands still. Seems like we have this parental gene that makes us do silly things that we swore we would never do while we have not become parents ourselves. Those little ones sure can trigger a lot of hidden mechanisms inside us. There's the I'm-27-&-I'm-still-not married gene, the I-want-grandchild-right-now gene, etc. All these stem from the fact that parents have unsettled issues with themselves. Well, let us try not to make our problems become our children's problem.
That is basically what this movie is about. Mother with good intentions making life difficult for her daughter. Below is a summary of the plot.
Daphne Wilder is a mother whose love knows no bounds or boundaries. As a single parent, she has raised three fantastic girls--klutzy, adorable Milly, stable psychologist Maggie and sexy and irreverent Mae--to become the kind of women any mom would die to have. The only problem is they're about to strangle her. In order to prevent her youngest, Milly, from making the same romantic mistakes she did, Daphne decides to set her up with the perfect man. The one thing Daphne decides not to tell Milly, however, is that she placed an ad in the online personals to find him. If anyone knows exactly what her daughter does and doesn't need out of a long-term relationship (or clothes or her career), it's Daphne. Comic mayhem unfolds as the well-intended mom continues to do the wrong thing for the right reasons--all in the name of love for her beloved daughter. Is the man of Daphne's (er, um--Milly's) dreams the responsible architect Jason, or is he the free-spirited rocker Johnny? Daphne will continue to push, cajole, suggest and nudge her way into Milly's smallest of decisions until she rights the wrongs of her own life choices or drives her girl nuts. But once Johnny's own father, Joe, catches a buried spark within Daphne, things really start to heat up for the Wilder matriarch. Finally letting herself begin to fall, Daphne begins to wonder if she is just pushing her girls as a way of ignoring her own issues.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 14, 2007 1 comments
Labels: movies
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Parallels Desktop for Mac
One of my latest cravings & it is not for food or something that runs on petrol & has four tires. Basically it is something made up of millions of billions (okie, maybe this is stretching it too far) of 1s & 0s. That is right, it is a software for having two Operating Systems (namely OS X & Windows XP / Vista) on the same computer. It is called Parallels Desktop for Mac & it shows windows or applications from both OS on the same screen without having to reboot to swtich between the two systems. Pretty cool in my opinion but there are some limitations to this software at this moment. I do hope they iron out the bugs & make it as seamless as possible both in user interface & graphics interface.
Wonder how much the software costs as I could not find it on the official apple website. Anyway I believe this is how the packaging looks like, so if anybody has seen it, please drop me an sms or a comment or whatever to let me know so I can sort out the finances. The next step would be for them (the nice software people working on parallels) to fully support Windows Vista or else it would make little monetary sense or otherwise to fork out good money for outdated original software. It had better be worth the price to get original software or else I will be the relentless advocate of pirated software no matter what the cost.
Here is a great article for you to find out more about this amazing application.
Check out the above video for the visually inclined.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Sunday, May 13, 2007 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff, online videos
Nasi Lemak @ Changi Village
Junkie lost his version of the nasi lemak picture so me been nice enough upload my version for him.. muahahhaha... the rice is already scattered by me and thus this pic doesnt look so glam hor.. Junkie, u can write ur entry from here.. :p
Junkie say thank you to Yuri for kindly giving a picture taken from the her mobile phone for me to us ein my blog. My picture mysteriously disappeared from my memory card, or I did not capture the image & I though I had. It is seriously time to consider changing my mobile due to the display problems.
Anyway since Yuri had a nasi lemak craving while we were at Changi Village to check out the prices of various mobile phones from Online Mobile (the only shop I would trust to get the best prices & service), so I queued up to get 2 chicken sets (chicken wing, ikan billis, egg). They cost SGD$2.50 which is the same as the famous Boon Lay Nasi Lemak but this is where the similarities end.
At Boon Lay, the service is superb. The people who serve you are friendly & enthusiastic, always with a smile. One of the malay brothers there even can speak simple chinese!!! I cannot say the same for the malay aunties behind the counter of this stall. They gave me a feeling of arrogance & nonchalance. At Boon Lay, the quality & flavour of the food is several classes above that of Changi Village even though the standard per se at Changi Village is reasonable, probably due to the fact that there is high food turnover. At Boon Lay, the portions are filling & there is variety. Changi Village Nasi Lemak's portions are pathetic & if you were to change an item for something else, they will still charge you SGD$2.50 in addition to the item you want changed. So if you want to change the ikan billis for an egg, they will not give you ikan billis, they will give you the egg you requested & started you an extra 50 cents which brings it to a brand total of SGD$3. Over at Boon Lay, they will charge me for whatever is on my plate. No more or no less.
In short, I do not understand why so many people patronize their stall even when they are given bad service & average food. It is definitely not worth queueing up for even 10 mins & the only time I will eat their food is once in a blue blue moon or when S.O. wants it.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by my clumsy life.. at Sunday, May 13, 2007 0 comments
Labels: food
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Death Note
Finally got myself a copy of the Death Note. No, a Death God or Shinigami did not drop it or give it to me as a birthday present. I spent good money to get it from Comic Connection, which unfortunately the outlet I visited (Compan Point, Sengkang) only had 1 copy. Or else I would have gotten a few more to give it to deserving individuals.
It is an excellent replica of the Death Note as depicted in the anime, & comes complete with all the rules mentioned as the plot develops & also the names of people whom Yagami Light or other people like Misa wrote inside while using this Death Note to accomplish their motive.Obviously it does not work as I have written my own name on the front page so that people will know that I am the owner. I am still very much well & alive although there will definitely be things I wish had turned out better & the way I want them to be.
I will be using it as my personal note book & jot down pointers which I think will be useful to share around. So if anybody of you see me carrying this around, please do not be alarmed & think I will write your name inside. However, do not try to piss me off deliberately in hope that I would take this book & write your name in it. Death Notes do not kill people but my warth will.
Hahahaha, no lah, I is very nice one lah...
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 10, 2007 1 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Terra Cafe @ Bugis Junction
A mid-priced cafe with decent service. Food is cheap & palatable Each set meal comes with soup (cream of chicken for that day) & dessert.
Mana123 had the sweet & sour fish, he claimed the fish was very fresh & the flavour goes well with the fish.
Yuri had this spicy Maggi-mee-like noodle which comes with some seafood.
Junkie had the potato gratin which was absolutely sinful. It is made up of slices of potatoes which cream & bits of bacon cover by a layer of grilled cheese. I am definitely not a fan of cheese but it goes well with the rest of the ingredients. Absolutely savory, definitely guaranteed to raise your overall cholesterol level.
Dessert of the day is a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Nothing to shout about.. Overall I recommend this place for it's relatively inexpensive food which worth more than it's price range. There is another branch at Vivocity but I have not been there to have a meal.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, May 09, 2007 0 comments
Labels: food
Monday, May 07, 2007
We are Champions of England for the 9th time!!!
Chelsea's failure to win at the Emirates Stadium meant that it is now mathematically impossible for Chelsea to overtake Manchester United in the table standings. With this, there should be no pressure when the Red Devils visit Stanford Bridge during midweek but 3 points will make the sweet wine even sweeter.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 07, 2007 0 comments
Friday, May 04, 2007
Above & Beyond - No One On Earth (Gabriel And Dresden Edit)
Mana123, this is dedicated to you. Above & Beyond rawks!!!
All of my life I've been waiting
For you
I wanna be the one that you take home
Let me be the one
'Cause I'm so lonely
Take me home
In time you'll love me like one of your own
Take me home
With you
No one on Earth knows me like you do
Take me home
In time you'll love me like one of your own
Take me home
With you
No one on Earth knows me like you do
Down through the dark trees
You came to save me
You're so ugly and you're so beautiful
You're like no one on Earth could be
Take, take me home
With you
No one on Earth knows me like you do
La la la la....
I'm going home
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 04, 2007 0 comments
Labels: songs
The Singapore Flyer
The Singapore Flyer, our fancy name for a really big ferris wheel. Wikipedia even mentioned Singapore in their entries!!! Anyway when it is completed, it will briefly hold the record for the largest observation / Ferris wheel. Here are some things that can be found on the official website.
The Singapore Flyer, a giant observation wheel that features brilliant engineering breakthroughs a world apart from the traditional ferris wheel, is set to be Asia's most visible iconic visitor attraction. When completed in March 2008, it will provide breathtaking, panoramic views of Singapore and beyond.
The Singapore Flyer will transform the visual landscape of the surrounding Marina Bay area. In addition to the Singapore Flyer, construction on Asia's largest business and financial centre has commenced and a world-class Integrated Resort (casino) is due to start operations in 2009. The Marina Barrage (a dam built across Singapore’s Marina channel) is also due for completion.
These, with three new uniquely-themed Gardens By the Bay and the Esplanade – Theatres by the Bay, will complete Marina Bay's "necklace of attractions". Marina Bay will thus be well poised to cater to commercial, residential and entertainment developments, in a designer garden city situated by the waterfront.
Seems like Marina area will be a prime residential area too, but it might be too close to the developments for those who prefer to have peace & quiet yet wanting to remain near the center of activity. The next best alternative would be living on Sentosa then. I estimate that a good sized bungalow will cost somewhere in the region of SGD$30 million. Sigh. I have to strike first prize in Toto a few consecutive times before I can accumulate this kind of money. Oh well, when it is completed, anybody want to accompany me up onto the Singapore Flyer?Last but not least, the price list.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 04, 2007 1 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Candee Jay - If I Were You
Ah beng mood strikes again & I have decided to share this song with the rest of you guys. This used to be my final motivational song when I was running on the threadmill in the Orchard branch of California Gym. I usually set the threadmill for 20 mins on normal days & 30 mins when I feel like my body needs some punishment to wake itself up from depression, overeating, etc.
Yes, I do go to the gym in the past & managed to lose some of the excess baggage. No more gym kaki so going to the gym seems like more like a chore because I do not like going to the gym alone.
As the countdown approached the final 3 -4 minutes, I would switch to this song & increase the running speed to simulate a sprint at the end of my run. The breathlessness at the end of it can be very satisfying. Nevertheless that was all in the past, so do enjoy this blast from the past. Heez.
Ja neh!!!
If I were you
I would never let me go
If I were you
I would always love me so
If I were you
I can't play your part in life
but I would surely walk my way
I cannot think the way you think
But I would never go away
You can trust me when I say
That I will always be for real
You can always count on me
No matter how alone you feel
If I were you
I would never let me go
If I were you
I would always love me so
If I were you
I would never..
I would always..
I can't tell you what to do
I can only hope for more
More decisions to be good
Like the way they were before
I can't dream the things you dream
'Cause I would not know where to start
Life is never what it seems
When two souls are far apart
I don't wanna know
How it feels to lose a friend
And if I were you
I would never leave again
If I were you
I would never let me go
If I were you
I would always love me so
If I were you
Na na na na na na na na
If I were you
Na na na na na na na na
If I were you
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, May 02, 2007 0 comments
Labels: songs