I do not really care about the downside of it or whatever people say about it. I just want to get my hands on this ASAP!!!
It has just been released in US!!! First look.
Ja neh!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, June 28, 2007 0 comments
Labels: gadgets, online videos
Parable of the pipeline
There are two parts to this parable, probably due to the 10 minute duration restriction imposed by Youtube. When I was veiwing part 2, it sort of hung towards the middle. Nevertheless, enjoy the video & hope it offers some insight into whether you are working smart or merely working hard. There is nothing wrong with working hard, but if there is a smarter way, go for it!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, June 28, 2007 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Dishwalla - Every Little Thing
Initially thought I had posted on my own blog, but sleepy-headed me posted on Yuri's blog instead. Anyway where is what I wanted to share. Never heard of this group before but it kind of grows on you & the words are really meaningful. As I was listening to it this morning, when the aircon is still switched on, the room is still & you could hear a pin drop, a flood of emotions overcame me.
It is really hard to describe those emotions & I am not completely sure it has nothing to do with the lyrics of the song I just heard. Somehow, a reignited fire burns within me, to make the full use of these 3 years on the hardest journey I ever embarked on.
Sacrifices will no longer be sacrifices one day, because it will all be worthwhile. The more you will see me fail, the more I will relish the feeling when I rub it in your face in the end. I only need to succeed once, whereas you will only need to fail once.
Let me in
to see you in the morning light
to get me on and all along the tears they come
see all come
I want you to believe in life
but I get the strangest feeling that you've gone away
will you find out who you are too late to change?
I wish I could be
every little thing you wanted
all the time
I wish I could be
every little thing you wanted
all the time
some times
lift me up
just lift me up don't make a sound
and let me hold you up before you hit the Ground
see all come
you say you're all right
but I get the strangest feeling
that you've gone away- you've gone away
and will you find out who you are too late to change?
I wish I could be
every little thing you wanted
all the time
I wish I could be
every little thing you wanted
all the time
some times
Don't give me up
don't give me up tonight
or soon nothing will be right at all
will you find out who you are too late to change?
I wish I could be
every little thing you wanted
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, June 23, 2007 0 comments
Labels: songs
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Porsche Boxter S
What an experience to sit in such a luxurious & high performance sports car. Actually the proper term should be supercar, & an everyday one at that. Heard from SZL (only a select few know about what the initials mean) that Porsche makes supercars that can be driven everyday & to almost all locations. We have all heard of how troublesome other supercars like Ferrari & Lamborginis can be when travelling to places like underground carparks, HDB carparks, places with numerous speed bumps amongst other places. While their road handling capabilities are in a class of their own, it is precisely their low ground clearance that make them almost impossible to clear without scraping the undercarriage. Lamborghinis are not that bad as in they can be driven everyday but for Ferraris, their engines will be damanged if subjected to heavy urban driving. What an irony. Paying so much that cannot do what an inexpensive Japanese or Korean car can do.
There goes my dream of owning a Ferrari F430. Looks like I might need to change it into a Raging Bull & forfeit my Prancing Horse. Personally I prefer the Ferrari's design. Oh well. When the time comes to really put pen to paper & splash some cash, I hope the reviews would have gotten a little more positive.
I will add a Porsche into the destiny list when I find out more about the cars. As they say, owners knows best as to which cars can be recommended to prospective buyers. In the meantime, the seats are superb in cocooning you into a nice tight (a little too tight in my case) fit while you negotiate those corners. The layout is sensible, with the most often used controls a short reach away. The exhuast note is simply amazing. It would definitely turns heads wherever you go, & attract the attention of the fairer sex (though this might not be so applicable in today's modern era).
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, June 14, 2007 0 comments
Labels: cars
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
LFI's 1st Anniversary Gala Dinner
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, June 12, 2007 0 comments
Labels: LFI
Monday, June 04, 2007
Heart of dice
Went drinking at Boat Quay with mana123 with his colleagues. Have not been there in many man years. I used to remember BQ was THE place to go for a budget clubbing experience. Some of the more popular pubs even charge a cover!!! Nevertheless, it was more economical than going to a REAL club like Zouk. Did not have much to drink as I was the designated taxi driver for the evening. I got bored towards the end of the evening so I started to play with the dice. I made a hear of dice & it is up for keeps. Any takers?
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, June 04, 2007 0 comments
Labels: places with alcohol
I love shaker fries
Shaker fries are back!!! McDonald's periodically bring them back for special promotions, the most recent being the Shrek burger meal, which is a little bit like black pepper teriyaki chicken according to Mana123. I could eat 3 large servings of it, with all of the seasoning. Only to end up with a really sore throat & a terrible thirst. Anyway, got to get it out of my system before they make them disappear again.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, June 04, 2007 0 comments
Labels: food
Raging bull spotted @ Vivocity
Read up more about this Italian supercar at my favourite reference site.
While the majority of Gallardos are the coupe version, I personally prefer the Spyder version or the convertible version. It has always been my dream to drive my sports car (as you can tell from my list, I do have a few) with the roof retracted down an expressway on a quiet night, Class 95 blasting from my quality sound system & my S.O. sitting by my side, with her right hand outstretched towards the sky, comparing the rock on her finger with the stars in the shy, much like that cheesy commercial (that spoiled a lot of "markets") shown on television.At the top of this range is the Gallardo Superleggera which features a lot of carbon fibre components which helped it shed 100kg with an increase of 10bhp, bringing it to a total of 530bhp. The last time I checked, it will cost SGD$921000 in Singapore!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, June 04, 2007 0 comments
Labels: cars
Marche @ Vivocity
Not much to comment as the food here is disappointing. To make things worse, the staff showing us to our tables said that the outlet is a direct franchise from the master franchise from whatever country Marche came from. Oh gosh!!! The standard of the food has fallen & somehow the atmosphere does not seem the same as the outlets previously at The Herren & Suntec City. Everything seems the same though. Guess what??? The Village at the former location of Marche at Hereen is even better than the original, though those anal-copyrights people would say the former is a complete rip-off of Marche. I do not care. Good food & reasonable pricing is all that matters to people who live to eat (that's me!!!) rather than copyright issues.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, June 04, 2007 1 comments
Labels: food
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Carol King - Anyone At All
Funny how I feel more myself with you
Than anybody else that I ever knew
I hear it in your voice,see it in your face
You've become a memory I can't erase
You could have been anyone at all
A stranger falling out of the blue
I'm so glad it was you
It wasn't in the plan,not that I could see
Suddenly a miracle came to me
Safe within your arms I can say what's true
Nothing in the world I would keep from you
You could have been anyone at all
An old friend calling out of the blue
I'm so glad it was you
Words can hurt you if you let them
People say them and forget them
Words can promise,words can lie
But your words make me feel like I can fly
You could have been anyone at all
And that's what catches me when I fall
I'm so glad it was you
You could have been...
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, June 02, 2007 0 comments
Labels: songs
Hewlett Packard ink cartridges
My ink cartridges have been giving me problems lately so it is time to make another dreaded trip down to the HP Service Center located at 438A Alexandra Road. It is pretty far away from Tampines so I drove down this morning, hoping to replace my cartridges. They refused to work when I turn on the printer one fine day (this has happened a few times previously) & it prevents my printer from operating unless I replace them with a new cartridge.
Waited for close to 50 minutes as it was a crowded Saturday afternoon. Seems like there is a lot of problems with HP products as the Service Center is perpetually crowded. Just like Nokia, which is far far worse than HP because there are so many Nokia Service Centers spread across the tiny island of Singapore & they are still crowded. While waiting, I helped myself to the free coffee. I initially wanted MIlo but only hot water was dispensed. Gosh, there were so many people that Milo powder ran out & nobody had the time to replenish it. Seems like there is free Wifi available for those to work while wait for their queue number to appear. I spotted two power sockets for those energy-zapping lap toasters.
Finally, my number 1074 (anybody going to buy 4D???) appeared on the screen & I quickly went to the counter in case they thought I was not there & skipped my turn. This malay dude served me & told me that even though my photo ink cartridge was still relatively full (they weigh each one & compared to the net weight of the cartridge only) & defective, they cannot replace it because it has passed it's expiry date.
K#N%N@B&C(C*B %&&%%$##@@!!@%%#@$$# !!!
Who the XXXX set such a XXXXXXX idiotic protocol? A new cartridge down the drain just because it has expired!!! So folks, those of you who have such perishables, do check your cartridges to make sure they are not passed their use-by date.
The world is full of assholes who think of such rules to inconvenience & piss off the consumers. Be careful.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Saturday, June 02, 2007 1 comments
Labels: gadgets