Today, after school, some of my friends have the urge to play mahjong, so we decided to gather in Gabby's room to play as she stays in a single room, & Alvin (staying in the same block) has the mahjong tiles & mahjong table.
People in attendance:
Junhui (new friend!!!)
Gabby (of course!!!)
Yen chua (erm, if you don't like the nick, I can change it)
Yours truely (ah ku lah, bodoh!!!)
Bin bin (cameo appearance)
Cynthia (cameo appearance)
Ah meng tong xueBin bin went off early to meet her darling, Cynthia went off for some unknown reason. Maybe she has a secret lover, like Gabby, who keeps her secret lover in her cupboard. Heez. Please don't be angry with me for exposing your secret, Gabby.
It's now about 1947hrs & we are still playing. I'm hungry, sleepy & badly need a shower after a long day in school. Come to think of it, I always need a shower. So I always wear a lot of perfume to cover my funky smell (heez, yen chua taught me this).
Hope the game ends soon so we all can go for dinner. Then I can go back to hall & study (YAH RIGHT!!!).
Ja neh!!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Mahjong session in Hall 6
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Labels: school
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