How come YouTube is so much more popular than Google Videos? Well, we should all be open minded & this it a try. I do believe with increased competition, almost definitely the end user, which is us, will benefit in terms of choice & content.
Actually all I have just said was BS. I chanced upon a SYT (Sweet Young Thing) in lingerie so I have decided to post it for all you pervs to enjoy.
Ain't all men perverts & superficial? We are attracted to girls with absolutely no content but save for a killer body. Nice full breasts get our attention rather than a well-thought-of argument. Legs make us drool instead of her intellect. Actually nobody should blame us men for behaving the way we do. It's in our genes. Our only primative instinct is to mate & ensure the survival of the human race. We are constantly on the lookout for a woman / women to carry our children to full term. And to do that, subconsciously, we look for women we consider attractive. Lots of girls will think all men are pigs, but if that's the case, I challenge you to remain single all your life, & to provide for yourself, whether in terms of material possessions or emotional furfillment. There are many things men do not like about girls at all, but we don't go bitching about it. We just accept the fact that men & women are really different in the way they view attractiveness. The same reasons why you women keep saying size does matter. Size matters to most of us too. Women want rock hard abs & not a pauch, we want small waistlines too. Fair & square. Hmmm. Touchy topic, got to bail now. Anyway, just watch the video & disregard what I say.
My report is really not coming along smoothly by the way. Maybe that's why I'm here surfing instead of researching for material I can use.
Je neh!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Google videos
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos
I have learnt how to post YouTube videos in my posts
Previously, if I wanted to post some videos from YouTube, all I knew was to choose keywords & then link them to the website. All I can post a picture of the first frame of the video, & when you click on the picture of the first frame, it will direct you to the original site where the video is hosted. What I really want to learn is to make the video play within my blog. Any computer experts out there who know how to do it?
Anyway here are some videos I enjoy watching when I am feeling a little on the low side.
Here's some Tiesto for you.
Some Naruto combined with ah beng music.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Milk Shake
Was wasting time looking through videos on YouTube when I came across this parody of an original video I saw a few years back. It was about a really horizontally-challenged African-American woman singing to this song, wearing a HUGE bikini. I puked when I saw the video, partly because it was disgusting, partly because it was hilarious.
But don't go laughing at all the fat people you know or you see on the streets, because even though we're fat, you are freaking ugly, & we can just diet. Muahahahaha!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 0 comments
Labels: online videos
Monday, May 29, 2006
Hapy birthday Jasmine!!!
Have not been blogging for a while because I was busy trying to kick start my report writing for GP07 (Managing Organizational Change). It's not as "chim" as the title suggests as some of the content has been covered in CL422 (Human Resource Management). Indeed, GP07 is a small, specialized part of CL422. Nevertheless, the same old me has been procrastinating & procrastinating & procrastinating. Sigh.
Tp get rid of the Monday blues, Jasmine gave us (Me, Myself, I, Darence, Ben) a treat at Crystal Jade Palace in Ngee Ann City. We ordered fresh lobster sashimi, Buddha Jump Wall, superior sharks fin soup, longevity noodles with 5 treasures of the sea, drunken as-huge-as-monster prawns, crabs (the seafood variety), etc etc. All the delicacies on the menu. If there was bear's paw available, we would probably have ordered it too. The girl who was supposed to be part of the naked sushi item was on MC today. Muahahahahaha.
I lied. She brought us to 907 coffeeshop, ordered 4 plates of plain rice & some soy sauce. Hmmm. Yummy!!!
Fact or fiction, sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.
Anyway Happy "Chinese" birthday Jasmine.
Or-Tan-Jun-Bi Oh-May-Day-Toh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 29, 2006 0 comments
Labels: birthdays
Monday, May 22, 2006
Temples in Johore
Woke up really early for a temple tour in JB. This is our first stop.
Notice that there are four numbers beneathe the wooden sign board. Guess what? It was not a winning number in out 4D that evening.
Lovers' fruit. If I eat them, will I become a better lover, or will I find a lover soon? Or only lovers can eat them or else they will just die from a broken heart? I wonder how they taste like.
This should be the second stop. The highlight of this temple is the well filled with blessed water. Or maybe just normal groundwater.
Magic well filled with lucky water. Grab a pail & start drawing water!!! they provide the pails which are attached to a rope. They also sell empty bottles so that you can bring some of the magic lucky water and maybe bath with it to drive away bad luck, or maybe wash your car's license plate so every week it will open as 4D's top prize
Shower cubicles where you are supposed to wash yourself with the magic well water. If you are born in the Year of the Monkey, go & wash up in the cubicle with the Monkey above the door.
I think this is the fourth temple we visiited that day. Was too sleepy so I slept in the coach when they visited the third temple. It was an unplanned stopover at the third temple. Zzz monster was too strong. The highlight here would be a pond with these HUGE fishies. You are supposed to touch them & they will bringyou good luck. If you managed to touch the head, you will strike first prize, if only the tail, consolation price. Believe it or it, it's up to you. Anyway, maybe people were shoving each other just to get a good spot to touch the fish. The place was really crowded & smoky & hot but the peole have other things on their mind
Temple was located by the sea, so there's a little of the sea breeze. In the day, the land is hot while the sea is cool, so when hot air rises, cooler air rushes in to take its place, therefore creating a breeze. Since the breeze comes from the cooler air above the sea, it's called sea breeze. During the evening, the sea is relatively warmer than the land due to water's ability to trap more heat longer, so the breeze at night is called land breeze.
Golden pineapples on turtles, or tortise (how to spell it ah?) or whatever.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 22, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Pig out session in JB
At a moment's notice I caught a cab to Meyer Road where it will be our rendervous point.
A stealth black car with really "fierce" body kit pulled up alongside the road which I was standing on, & I got in without any questions. My middleman has arrived. Inside, sat 3 other "clients". Not a word was said as the driver quickly but surely drove us to meet "him".
He was known in inner circles as "mao mao" or "Hairy Ben". Feared for his torture he can inflict on you with the amount of body hair for not doing his bidding, we all shivered as tingles went up & down our spines. He was not there when we got off at the "secret location" The roads were deserted, nobody was seen at that place, at that hour. Kind of spooky if you could see what we saw & feel what we felt.
Suddenly, a shadow appeared in the distance. Gasp!!! "Hairy Ben" is here!!! With long confident strides, he suddenly came into focus."Na beh chao cheebye!!!" We come all the way here to meet you & you still can be late!!! Muahahaha...
Saint, Osim, S.Guan, Moi quickly got into Mao mao's car & quickly drove to the Esso station so we can fill the car up to the required 3/4 mark. We drove at breakneck speed to the Second Link onlt to find the bottleneck has already swelled with cars. Sigh. Initially our plan was for some light shopping before dinner, but by the time we cleared customs & reached JB, we were already weak from hunger.
So off to Ta Ma Hua Yuan (Taman Gardens???), which Saint told me is quite popular with Singaporeans. Oh dear, there's still so many good makan places I have not been to in JB. I must go more often. We ordered piggy's leg (or hand, we can't tell the difference), soon hock, veggie in garlic, stingray, prawn's granny swimming in butter, hot plate tofu. Wah!!! So piggy!!! The bill was around RM176, which included those huge glasses of sugar cane drinks. Wonder if you guys have read about how sugar cane drink is actually very unhygienic because of the way they stroe & process the sugar canes? Oh well. Life is short. Next time I'll just don't let my wife drink it when we're planning to have a child or if she's already pregnant.It was also my first time eating the prawn's granny. It tasted just like prawn (duh!!!) but the best part was the crispy crunchy bits of flour. Even Osim who doesn't eat seafood in general likes it so much, so I thought I will give it a try.
After dinner, we want to go for drinks, so Mao mao drove around & brought us to this place where the entire stretch of road was lined with pubs. However, we couldn't find sometimes that all of us could agree on, so we headed back to Correlian (Never tell us the odds) where I still had a bottle of Jack Daniel's left.
Soon, it was time to call it a night, we headed back to our respective homes, contented, drunk, happy. Maybe those with girlfriends were even happier as they went to meet them so that they can make themselves happy. Muahahahahaha. I learnt thay from Maomao.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 22, 2006 1 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
My obsession with 17
Was on the way to JB when we made a pit stop at a petrol station to fill up the car to meet the minimum tank requirement when I spotted this ROV bike parked along double yellow lines inside the station. How come police cars & ROV & TP can park anywhere they want & not issue a parking ticket to themselves? Kind of like the case of knowing the law, "supposed" to uphold the law & yet breaking the law. Should have taken a zoomed out picture the bike clearly showing it parked along the double yelow lines & sending it to some PR department of the Police & the Ministry of Home Affairs to demand an explaination & disciplinary action against the errant cop. Anyway let's not get distracted by my argument. If you have any more pictures of license plates with 17 in it, please send them to me.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 22, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hard Gay
Ufooo!!! My roomie showed me a clip on Hard Gay (some comedian from Japan) & I was hooked on it!!! He's really hilarious & seriously, if he was Singaporean, he would have been locked up in jail or in Buangkok Green chalet. My girlfriends told me he's gross but there's a certain comic appeal to this TV personality. Most of his clips can be found on YouTube, & since it's in Japanese, Bakafish (I assume it's translated as stewpig fish or idiot fish or something like that) has translated it & placed English subtitles so we all can understand what is going on.
I do believe that censorship really does stifle creativity to a very real extent. So where's the thin line between creating a winning TV personality "formula" or just being plain obscene? Japan is an Asian society where values & tradition & culture is still held in high esteem but they have managed to break through language barriers, national borders, etc to create an international market. Peole watch anime, listen to Hamasaki Ayumi (I absolutely hate it when those bloody ang mohs inverts our names to suit their norm of putting the family name at the back.It's Park Ji Sung, not Ji Sung Park. How would you like it if we called you Clinton Bill, asshole?), follow the way Japanese girls dress, etc.
Such colourful characters really liven up the TV scene. Too bad, Sinagporeans ain't very creative or bold in their quest to search for new frontiers or just to try something different. We need to challenge old stigmas and set new standards for ourselves, whether in TV or arts or our personal lives. Social norms that does not make sense should be abolished, while keeping in mind the values that have kept us in place for thousands of years.
What say you?
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 18, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mini pool table
Was walking around Takashimaya when I came across this miniature pool table. Pretty nicely done, with great attention to details & quality materials used. I assumed this was a prize from the card placed in front of it & therefore not for sale. Really cool. I would love to have that on my study table at home. Anyway my room is still in a mess after moving back from hall. Any volunteers to help me sort out & organize my room & stuff? Dinner & drinks are on me, maybe even a movie too. If you're a girl, you get an extra date. If you are an attractive girl , you will get ten extra dates. If you are supermodel material, I'll be your personal slave for a year after my room has been sorted out. If you are wife material, you get zilch, because that's your job anyway, & when you get married to me, you will be doing this full time, so I won't be spending time & money to reward you for something you should be doing anyway. Muahahahahahahaha!!! Oh dear, I can sense that I've incurred the warth of many women / girls. Just joking!!! You will get abovementioned incentives. As for the wife material category, I'll make you my personal princess, & i'll be your personal slave aka caring husband aka passionate lover aka good & responsible father to your children / screaming brats. Oh dear, is my biological alarm clock going off? Hmmm.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
World Cup 2006
World Cup 2006 is coming, ufooo!!! Okie okie, enough of Hard Gay. Another 4 years have passed, & it's time for the most prestigious competition in soccer world. Still remember during the last World Cup, it was jointly hosted by South Korea & Japan. Hence we can catch all of their matches as their timezones were not far away from ours. This time round, it will be held in Germany, the world side of Planet Earth. Matches will b eplayed at ungodly hours like 0300hrs, so I guess that would mean a lot of zombies in school or work.
Anyway read the following article with a pinch of salt hor, please don't come pounding on my door if you feel it's not very nice to impose such rules on wives & girlfriends. If I love you, of course you will have more priviledges than other girls, so that means you can watch matches with me, talk to me during the match, etc etc.
Rules for women & girls during the coming World Cup in Germany.
Thank you very much Adrian, for letting me leech off your blog!!! I didn't ask for permission this time, sorry!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 0 comments
Labels: football
Monday, May 15, 2006
Game console war, Uuufoooo!!!
Seems like the war of the video games console is heating really unexpectedly since the launch of the new console of the "Wii" console from Nintendo. Personally I do believe the fight was between Sony's Playstation & Mircosoft's Xbox but now with an old warrior having found new vigour, things are stafting to get exciting. It doesn't really affect me directly because I own a handheld console, but the more popular a console is, the more companies want to write games for them, & the more companies want to write games for them, the more popular will be the console, simply put. So it's kind of like a Catch 22 situation. Handheld consoles are indirectly affecte by the success of the parent console. So I'm going to root for Sony.
LOS ANGELES: Gamers gave Nintendo's new "Wii" video game console a hands-down victory over Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360 at the premier video games trade show that ended in Los Angeles.
The innovative motion-sensing Wii controller and games that shied away from blood-and-guts action won praise, while the latest PlayStation met with unenthused satisfaction.
Hard-core and novice video game players crammed into Nintendo's warehouse-sized Wii pavilion and waited in a perpetual line outside.
At the nearby PlayStation 3 exhibit at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), there was little wait to play on Sony's yet-to-be-released console.
"If that line would ever go down, I sure would want to try it," Teresa Holt, 28, of Texas said, nodding toward the Wii pavilion after finishing a PlayStation game.
A random survey of PlayStation 3 gamers revealed that most thought the scenes were more realistic and the machine faster than its predecessor, but not worth the wait or the whopping price Sony planned to charge.
With its 20-gigabyte disk drive, the PlayStation 3 that Sony intended to sell for 499 dollars in the United States was a "crap version" that self-respecting gamers won't settle for, said Jeff Sobol, an independent game publisher from Canada.
Sony's loaded 60-gigabyte model will sell for 599 dollars when the systems are released late this year, according to the Japanese company.
Microsoft's Xbox 360 is already on sale in the United States for 299 dollars or 399 dollars with a hard drive.
The tricked-out PlayStation 3 "wasn't that big of a jump over the Xbox 360" made by US-based Microsoft, Sobol said.
In the Wii pavilion, players blurted superlatives with giddy delight.
"Sweet," one fellow chimed as he and a friend ogled motion-sensitive Wii controllers that came in "Zapper (gun), Nunchuk, Classic" styles.
"Awesome," Matt Callaway said after he and Jaap Tuinman finished playing video tennis by swinging Wii controllers like rackets.
"I'm psyched; it's exciting," Tuinman said. "It's something I could play with my wife."
Nintendo heralded the system as "disruptive" technology intended to revolutionize video game playing and lure new players to games by making the controls less intimidating.
"It's really fun," said Kappei Morishita. "I like it, and I'm in my forties. The current games get too complicated. This is back to basics. I could play with friends at a party."
Nintendo was coupling Wii with game software it hoped would appeal to "casual players" such as Morishita. Among the video game offerings will be "Brain Age" mind-tests, orchestra conducting, and hospital surgery.
Nintendo will also roll-out a version of its popular cult game, The Legend of Zelda, made for Wii. Zelda was among the games people got to try.
Ubisoft of France designed an action game, "Red Steel," to arrive at market alongside Wii.
Nintendo had yet to reveal the Wii's price, but it was rumored it would cost less than PlayStation 3 and be on par with XBox 360.
"It is very unlikely Sony will take the lead going forward," said Hiroshi Kamide, an industry analyst with KBC Securities in Japan.
"The logical choice is to buy Nintendo, and the price point is good. Microsoft and Sony will tie."
Industry analysts at E3 agreed that "at the end of the day, it's all about the games" and not the consoles.
"People buy machines to play games," said Anita Frazier, an entertainment industry analyst with NPD Group in the United States.
"I know several hardcore gamers who say they will get all three, because of the content on each system."
Console makers routinely capitalize on winning game franchises and tie games to popular films, television shows and comics. They understand that hooking a player on exclusive games often hooks them on their consoles.
"Metal Gear 3 is the only reason I would buy PlayStation 3," gamer Raphael Phillips said as he finished trying out the new console. "If I had my choice, I'd play it on an Xbox 360 because it costs less."
The Xbox 360 hasn't swept the global market and sales have suffered from supply problems, said David MacQueen, an analyst with Screen Digest in Britain.
Britain is the largest European video game market and the third largest in the world, MacQueen said, noting "Brits really love new gadgets, and then lose interest quickly."
"The Xbox is not grabbing the Europe market," MacQueen said. "In Japan we can see why it was called the Xbox 360 -- it looks like that was the number of units it sold."
The above article was lifted off Channelnewsasia.
"Fight-toh Fight-toh, Ufooooo!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 15, 2006 0 comments
Labels: gadgets
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Zouk, the club I will never set foot in again
Zouk, located at Jiak Kim Street, just along Kim Seng road, has been in existence for over ten years. I think I remember reading on Xiaxue's blog that she was invited to their fiffteen anniversary party, so I guess it is fifteen years old. However, a lot of things cannot be judged by age along. Zouk's name is known across Asia & internationally, but personally I do not see what's so great about the club.
It's really not fair to condemn the entire club because of a few black sheep, but that's life. Also, I believe how fun a club will be is entirely dependent on the people in it. The waiters & waitresses, bartenders, deejays and of course the patrons. Last night, CCCC asked if I wanted to go down to Zouk along with SF. I said okie, which I seriously regretted.
It was freaking packed, but which club isn't? Proximity to the next person wasn't the problem, it was how they behaved. So me & the guys were on the dance floor in phuture, movin & groovin to the beat, while my fats were jiggling to a different beat on their own, minding our own business. A group of girls (good looking ones) made their way to where we were "dancing" (inverted commas because we're just moving our legs from side to side, we can't dance!!!). They were really hot, & they really know how to raise the temperature in there with their bodies pumping to the beat. There was some rubbing of bodies, but it was all good clean fun. Suddenly we were just "pushed" aside by this group of other guys hoping to get some "action". They didn't want to get onto the dance floor, they wanted to "eat meat"!!! How "se" can you get? We ere there first & the girls were "rubbing" us!!! Oh well, it was really frustrating, so we regrouped outside & have another round of smokes & drinks. They wanted to go back in since we already paid the cover & didn't want to leave so early. So I reluctantly agreed to try one more time. The same things happened again. We dancing, girls rubbing, losers wanting to get a piece of the action. Whatever happend to just dancing withing your clique & minding your own business & good clean fun. The ah bengs in Sparks & Canto didn't do that, retro lovers didn't do that in Venom too (I missed Venom so much!!! I need a time machine!!!). It doesn't even happen in Double O where people get a lot higher on the freaking cheap alcohol. If you want some of the action, work a little charm, not muscle. Sigh. I'm pissed, really pissed. Disappointed that patrons of a world renowned club would behave in such a manner.
Maybe it was a bad night for clubbing, like when shit happens, but this is not the first bad experience I had in Zouk. The patrons think they are of a higher status compared to patrons of other clubs, the service staff were horribly stuck-up (you work in a club & you are a waiter who is supposed to wait on people, so don't act like you OWN the place).
No more Zouk, ever.
I have got money that I would gladly spend it somewhere else.
That's why I prefer to sit in a pub now & drink myself silly when I'm not driving.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: places with alcohol
Happy birthday "old bean"
Another year has passed & my father has gotten older by another year. How time flies for most of us when we look back at our lives & try to make sense of all that we have done or the things that has happened to us, Most of the time, we go through live on the express lane. Study hard, get a good degree, work hard, save money along the way, find a life partner & settle down. Life doesn't get easy from here. In fact, it gets even more hectic. There are bills to pay, parents to look after, careers to build, children to nurture. It won't slow down until we're ready to retire & play with our grandchildren. Is this the life we want?
Anyway birthdays are supposed to be happy occasions. The family decided to have dinner at Crystal Jade (Tampines Mall). Mother bought a slice of cake from BreadTalk. Yummy. We all had a bite of it. Hahaha, reminds of the days when we all shared a can of sof drink because my parents believed that too much soft drinks is not good for health because of all the sugar in it as well as the carbon dioxide. Contary to popular belief, we are not being stingy or we can't afford it. Sometimes, things just taste nicer when there isn't enough for everybody to have their fill. Remember how nice french fries tasted when you pinched them off your sister's place but not that delicious when you had a whole plate to yourself? Feel free to correct me if you think otherwise.
After dinner, we're all bursting at the seams. Burp!!!
Burp burp bleah!!!
No more pigging out!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: birthdays
Lotus for Vesak Day
Mother wanted to go down to Takashimaya to collect her "free" WMF cooking pots. I wanted to meet Michelle for dinner, so we all went down but it was out of stock even though Mother had called beforehand to ask if it was okie to come down to collect it. What horrible customer service. I know it's "free" but that does not mean you can treat us like we owe you!!! WMF, better get your act together or else I'll flame you in my blog, muahahaha. Anyway don't see the point of paying through your chocolate starfish for utensils & pots & pans.
Vesak day is just round the corner & there was a fun fair organized for charity. Also, people were encouraged to make lotus & write our wishes in the middle of the paper before we fold them origami style. Mother & Michelle each made one. Can you tell who's is better?
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
The day I moved back to Tampines
My empty hostel room. A place very close to my heart, somewhere I had spent 4 years of my life. Plenty of great memories were made here (not what you guys are thinking hor!!!), plenty of heartaches too. I have had 3 roomies, not counting the &%$W@%#@%$ Vietnamese &%#$%&$&. Time to move back home. My block will be undergoing renovation, & I do not have any points to continue staying for my extra semester. Neighbours have come & gone. Furniture & mattresses have been changed. Even the chairs too. I can't bear to move out, but I have to. This is not where I belong, just a temporary roof over my head. Looking back at this picture, if I had to start all over again, I would gladly do it, minus some of the &^%$##@. Goodbye Hall 11, Blk 56. Now, in Tampines, everything seems strange yet familiar. I don't like moving homes. So many things to carry!!! When I get married & have my own place, I doubt I will enjoy moving to my own place in future, but nothing's permanent in this world we live in. Maybe love. Love from God, parents, friends, girlfriend / wife. Sob sob. I'll miss the canteen, where i studied for many semester's exams. I'll miss the smelly room (study room). I'll miss the times spent drinking, chatting, singing along to mp3s.
Ja neh.
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
How do you choose The One?
This is a rather meaningful / thought-provoking mini-essay on what people should really think through whether they have been in a steady relationship, or just waiting for Love to come knocking on their door. I have pondered over this question many times, albeit too late, but I guess it's better late than never. After coming out from the previous relationship, it got me pondering. Do I go for someone with character totally in synch with me, someone who can give me what I want emotionally, or someone who I have strong physical attraction to? Do I look for someone with good family background or someone who worthy dreams & ambitions, or maybe someone I know I can spend the rest of my life with. Of course the perfect woman is the one who can met all abovementioned expectations. Does she really exist? I believe she does. Is she worth waiting for her to appear? This is a HUGE question mark. Have I already met her in my previous relationships? Maybe. Nobody knows the definitive answer. Hope the following can shed some light on your doubts if you have been on the same train of though.
Special thanks to Adrian, for giving me permission to lift this off his blog.
During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"
I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?"
In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"
Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.
Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.
Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love... because it's happening TO YOU.
People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet." Think about the imagery of that expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.
Falling is love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience.
However after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts.
The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.
At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.
Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, church, a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.
But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it.
I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):
SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the expression "the labor of love."
Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.
Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable... you can "make" love.
Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... not just a feeling.
Have you found The One yet?
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Thursday, May 11, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Friday, May 05, 2006
Exam good luck kit (for results then)
I know now it's a bit too late for any good luck wishes, but if I had seen this easlier, I might buy 1 for everyone of you so that we all will have good luck!!! Seems that in Japan, Kit Kat is bought by studends before their exams & eat for good luck. Sort of my logic of eating bao so what we won't da bao. Oh well. I think Kit Kat sounds like good luck in Japanese. Anyway found these in Takashimaya's Cold Storage, so maybe for the coming exams, let's go down to take a look.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 05, 2006 0 comments
Labels: school
50SGD Best Deki gift voucher from Yoshinoya
The end of examinations has come & there's really nothing much to do except prepare my powerpoint slides for the coming FYP presentation & also to pack up my stuff to shift back home. There's really a lot of junk you can accumulate if you stay in the same room for four years. Sigh. Anyway went to Ngee Ann City's Yoshinoya for dinner with Michelle. No idea why she chose that place, since I initially wanted to go to Pepper Lunch (I love their hambuger steak!!!).
Pepper lunch!!! (Taken a long time ago when I went there with Meowie.)
Bought a meal & a rice bowl so we can share the miso soup n sea coconut dessert since we were not really hungry. Turns out that they were having a promotion & each meal comes with a scratch-&-win card. Usualy when I get these cards, I would expect a "Thank You for throwing your money at us" or "You have won a tiny packet of fries" message. So imagine my surprise when I found out I had won a 50sgd Best Deki voucher!!! Wow!!! Woo hoo!!! Heez. Time for some retail therapy!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Friday, May 05, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My FM receiver vs. Ben Tan's FM receiver
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 02, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
London Grill @ Old Airport Rd food centre
Yummy chicken chop!!! With black pepper sauce, real garlic bread (not Sunshine bread with spread but Jiam Tao Low Di). I kinda like the coleslaw too. More than that sold at KFC, or other western food stalls. It's really good!!! Hahaha. So far, I've eaten it twice & have not been disappointed. Quite a bold statement for such a small sample size, but I guess the only way to find out is to eat it more often loh. Oh dear, i worry for my waistline, heez. Damage is SGD$4.50 & there's a wait during peak makan times, but they send it to your table in a decent amount of time & you don't have to stand in front of the stall with a dambling tummy & remember, hungry man is very angry man, so not such a good idea to make hungry customers waitin in front of your freaking warm n crowded stall with peole jostling for space or just basically taking up too much space than they should be entitled too. Which brings me to the point that some people are alive today only becos it's illegal to kill them. Hahahah... I want my chicken chop now!!! Oh, another thing, I said I don't want the baked beans (which gives me gas, among other stuff) & they got my order right, even though it's peak dinner time. Some stall holders just don't care when you make a special order, & act blur when they deliver the food to you. All these people can just go & F.O.A.D. I don't like stall holders who pretend to hear you & then don't get your order right. And when you tell them to correct it, they probably just remove the part you don't want, & never substitue it with something else. People in the food business should really have a higher standard of service. They should make you a new portion, like the Zhi Char stall @ 907, I said no prawns, but still come back got prawns, so I sent it back. They just scoop out the prawns, along with a fair portion of rice!!! My fried rice came back half the size. KNNCCB!!! Worse still if they spit into your food or something like that. I read in The New Paper, in their regular Fess Up! section where people write in anynomously to tell people about the bad things they do in their line of work. I hope they burn in shit forever, along with their families whom I think are just asguilty of the hideous crimes although you might BEG to differ!!! Angry again liao. I need anger management therapy now, or maybe just retail therapy lah. Hint hint!!!
Ja neh...
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 02, 2006 0 comments
Labels: food
Interior of Kallang Mac
It's late now, around 0100hrs I guess. Lots of people have gone home after having their Happy Meals & done their revision for the day. A few familiar faces here once you have been studying here long enough. Very popular place with people to come here just to gather, surf the free wireless internet (how come not catered to Macs, when you're providing free services at Mac!!!), or just to read the newspapers, play Risk, Uno, etc etc. Students like me come here to study. This is the cold corner where the air-conditioning blows directly at you. It's also near to the outdoor siting area where at any one time, someone is smoking. Singaporeans realy smoke too much. Oh well, maybe it's because of stress at work or in school.
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Tuesday, May 02, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Monday, May 01, 2006
Dickson, Hazel & Cedric Chng
My cousin, Dickson, Cousin-in-Law (is that what we call wives of cousins?), Hazel & nephew Cedric. Some photo studio offered them some "free package", maybe you can readmore about it in Hazel's blog entry. I've no read how come this particular entry takes eons to load. Maybe it's because of the large picture size. But that'snot the case. Hmmm...
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 01, 2006 0 comments
Labels: everyday stuff
Brief discription of the game
My mum, my sis, Michelle & I wwere walking along Citylink Mall (is that what you call the underground shopping alley just outside City Hall MRT Station?) when we saw a booth selling stuff like speakers for your mp3 players & games. It was on offer, so we decided to give ourselves a little treat. We bought Luxor which is extremely similar in concept & form to Zuma, the other shooting game in which you control a tribal frog in the middle of the screen & you rotate him to "spit" out coloured balls to form chains of 3 or more similar colours to make them disappear. Oh well, I've installed it on my Mac & now I'm hooked. Crap. Hahaha. Yes, there are some great games for Mac too!!!
Ja neh!!!
Posted by raymond chng kwang hwee at Monday, May 01, 2006 0 comments
Labels: gadgets