Friday, May 05, 2006

50SGD Best Deki gift voucher from Yoshinoya

The end of examinations has come & there's really nothing much to do except prepare my powerpoint slides for the coming FYP presentation & also to pack up my stuff to shift back home. There's really a lot of junk you can accumulate if you stay in the same room for four years. Sigh. Anyway went to Ngee Ann City's Yoshinoya for dinner with Michelle. No idea why she chose that place, since I initially wanted to go to Pepper Lunch (I love their hambuger steak!!!).

Pepper lunch!!! (Taken a long time ago when I went there with Meowie.)

Bought a meal & a rice bowl so we can share the miso soup n sea coconut dessert since we were not really hungry. Turns out that they were having a promotion & each meal comes with a scratch-&-win card. Usualy when I get these cards, I would expect a "Thank You for throwing your money at us" or "You have won a tiny packet of fries" message. So imagine my surprise when I found out I had won a 50sgd Best Deki voucher!!! Wow!!! Woo hoo!!! Heez. Time for some retail therapy!!!

Ja neh!!!