Friday, August 11, 2006

Sony PS3 vs Nintendo Wii

As usual, it is another lazy day & there is only 1 nos lecture so I guess I'll stay home & try to figure out the meaning of life & what is the purpose of us human beings' existence on earth. As you recall, there seems to be an insurgence in interest in handheld gaming consoles. This is materialized in the Nintendo DS Lite my mother bought recently. Now my "cute" sister is getting in the act & buying Pacman for the DS Lite.

Unfortunately it has a poor rating as seen on the left. Read the review of the game here on IGN.

The main purpose of this entry is to show you guys a video I spotted on YouTube. It is a spoof of the series of Apple vs Mircosoft advertisments but somehow as I was about the publish the entry, there was an error & I realized that the user has removed the video!!!

Chao turtle!!!

It was such a pity that I could not show it to you. It is really nice & just makes you want to get a Nintento Wii instead of a Song PS3.

If the video resurfaces again, or if I managed to find a similar version, I'll post it here in this entry, so do watch this space.

Ja neh!!!


Anonymous said...

haha..nice gal there...;pp