Thursday, October 02, 2008


Was walking around Vivocity when I passed by the really BIG Candy Empire stall. It must be every kid's fantasy to own a store like this. It is my destiny to have a really big house in the near future & have a section of my kitchen just like Candy Empire, with all sorts of candies & chocolates & snacks like the ones sold here. I also wan a bar as well stocked as any bar you find in our watering holes but that wil come in another post.

What I like about this place is they import varieties of familiar brands that are not sold here. For example. the Chunky Kit Kat. We used to have only peanut better (even they have stopped importing this, I wonder why), caramel & something else which I can't recall. Cookies & Cream Chunky Kit Kat is not something you find even in our high end supermarkets but the people at Candy Empire did so.

Walked around the chocolate section & have to limit myself to 3 bars of chocolate as shown in the picture. OMG!!! The average price is about SGD$3 per bar so thats SGD$10 of chocolate sitting in my tiny plastic bag. So SO SOOOOOOO expensive.

I guess I should give myself a treat once in a while, even though I am in shape. Round is a shape.

Ja neh!!!