Monday, April 30, 2007

The legless pussy cat

Mana123 & I were hungry one particular night & we decided to meet up for supper. We were sick of going Jalan Kayu for the overhyped prata & so we went to our old favourite hangout. A coffeeshop near Punggol Park. As I was eating my sinful supper, something caught my eye!!!. It was a cat but it had no legs!!! It slithered across the floor like a snake or rolled around when it feels like it. OMG!!! It looks like a freak of nature & some of the children who were there with their parents were extremeful fearful of this mutant & hid behind their parents & yet taking a peep at this strange animal. It got tired & rested under one of the tables. I plucked up my courage, inched my way forward & managed to take this picture of the legless cat as proof for all of you to see. It really has no legs!!!


Ja neh!!!

(No cats were hurt in the making of this blog entry.)


Anonymous said...

i dun like i dun like this entry hahahaha... though fat fat is cute