Sunday, January 14, 2007

LFI's advertisments at bus stops

Finally had some free time go take a picture of the bus stop behind the office. This is our company's advertisments that are currently being printed in Female, NuYou, Healthy Times & Singapore Brides (magazines), on the back of SBS buses, at selected bus stops (like the one on the left), on tv & on radio (Love 97.2).

I have to agree sex really sells. When you are
driving past & you see our advertisments, the first thing that strikes guys is that there are two pretty girls in bikinis holding something, which is our B&H capsules. Muahahaha!!!

Hope that the road accident rate does not go up because of our advertising campaign.

Have you detoxed today?


Anonymous said...

Detoxing eveyday..under ur supervision HAHAHAHA...