Saturday, May 19, 2007

无印良品 & 黄嘉千 - 故意

This song nearly bought a tear to my eye, & those who know me well enough should know that tears do not come easily. Wu Yin Liang Ping, to me is one of the groups that really have strong vocal talent & do not reply on looks or packaging or publicity to reach the popularity they have achieved. Not much was available on wikipedia on Wu Ying Liang Pin as a group or on Ping Guan but there is a decent article on Guang Liang.

I remember I bought one of their cd albums but I have no idea where it is now. Sigh. I think it had a picture of an orange or donut on it. My memory is failing. It was not packaged in a conventional plastic cd case but in a cardboard & paper book-like thingy.

Nevertheless, I do hope you enjoy this song. I shall post the song lyrics here even though the video is a karaoke with lyrics shown in case it becomes unavailable.

你說想放棄 而他卻不能說忘就忘 強自鎮定
但淚已滿眶 何不 你只當它 是做一埸戲 

我想感情不能勉強 不是互相討好就好 
苦苦哀求 其實不能怎樣 再說 他越是在乎 
真的只會 會讓我心裡 想逃

不是我要故意對你好 只是已經付出
我還能怎麼樣 難道這樣的要求也算高 
是要我消失面前 痛苦才不來到

不是我要故意對你好 妳可曾明白到我
為何要這樣 難道真情逃不過煎熬 

Ja neh!!!