Friday, February 16, 2007

How much does it cost to wash a Hyundai Sonata?

The Lunar New Year is coming & a little spring cleaning is in order. That includes the car, & seeing the dark overcast skies, I was a little hesitant in going for a car wash at the Shell station directly opposite my home, let alone putting in manual labour & do it myself. A normal car wash by the good people at Shell station (the person who though of opening manual car washes at Shell stations & creating so many jobs for our Malay & Indian brothers is a genius) will cost me SGD$6 which is a decent price to pay for such backbreaking labour being done in record time. I decided since it was windy & cool, I would attempt to wash the car for less than SGD$6.

Yuri & I collected 5 nos 20 cents coins, 2 nos pails & 4 nos rag & shifted the car to BLK 105, where the coin operated tap was located. The leather seats were in great need of some TLC (tender loving care) so we started with the cleaning & polishing of the seats. The leather was cracked & hardened due to the inadequate conditioning, especially so on the driver's seat. Anybody can guess why this is so?

After polishing the seats, I deposited the first 20cent coin into the slot & poured car shampoo into the pails & waited 30 seconds for the water to stop running. With a sponge & a rag, both of us scrubed & soaped the entire car.

Another 20cents went into the slot & we started to rinse the car. Yuri suggest we give the car (maybe I should name her, any suggestions?) another rinse of clean water, so in the slot went another 20cents.

By this time, we felt little drops of rain coming down from the Heavens & thankfully the skies held for the sake of our labour, I think.

So total cost is 60 cents, which is about 10% of what it would cost to go opposite to let the professionals do the job, however it took us close to 100 mins instead of the usual 10 mins. So I guess time really is money in this case.. If you save 90% of the cost, you spend 9 times more time in completing the task.

I shall propose the Raymond Chng Car Wash Theorem. The money spent on a car wash is inversely proportional to the time needed if you were to do it with a helper. This is assuming the following:

Cost of sponge, rags, leather cleaner & car shampoo is neglected.
Glass areas are not treated with glass cleaner.
Mid size saloon car.
Helper is relatively hardworking.
Weather is cool & windy which was the weather condition during which the theorem was proposed.
Refer to postmaster if in doubt.

Ja neh!!!


Anonymous said... hand aching now ah? ur car sparking gold gold.. mi hand drop lowlow.. hahhahaa... let's name her as xiao hui lor..