Monday, February 26, 2007

SGD$10 Million TOTO draw 2007

It is time for the annual Chinese New Year SGD$10 million Toto draw & the long queues have already been forming around all Singapore Pools outlets since Friday which is the first day of sales for this special draw. The prize is about 10 times more than usual in celebration of the Lunar New Year, but from observation, there has been usually more than 10 winners in this draw, making each of them holding on a winning ticket a near-millionaire. Around SGD$900k each, which is still a lot of money to the average Sinagporean.

So what would you do if you were to win first prize in any Toto draw?

Here I have posted a censored copy of the ticket my entire extended family has bought, with each household contributing a share to the cost. When the results are announced, I will post the winning ticket (which is the same one on the left but without the white boxes, confirm strike first prize 1!!!) for all to view.

I feel like a millionaire right now!!!

Huat ah!!!