Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hard Gay

Ufooo!!! My roomie showed me a clip on Hard Gay (some comedian from Japan) & I was hooked on it!!! He's really hilarious & seriously, if he was Singaporean, he would have been locked up in jail or in Buangkok Green chalet. My girlfriends told me he's gross but there's a certain comic appeal to this TV personality. Most of his clips can be found on YouTube, & since it's in Japanese, Bakafish (I assume it's translated as stewpig fish or idiot fish or something like that) has translated it & placed English subtitles so we all can understand what is going on.

I do believe that censorship really does stifle creativity to a very real extent. So where's the thin line between creating a winning TV personality "formula" or just being plain obscene? Japan is an Asian society where values & tradition & culture is still held in high esteem but they have managed to break through language barriers, national borders, etc to create an international market. Peole watch anime, listen to Hamasaki Ayumi (I absolutely hate it when those bloody ang mohs inverts our names to suit their norm of putting the family name at the back.It's Park Ji Sung, not Ji Sung Park. How would you like it if we called you Clinton Bill, asshole?), follow the way Japanese girls dress, etc.

Such colourful characters really liven up the TV scene. Too bad, Sinagporeans ain't very creative or bold in their quest to search for new frontiers or just to try something different. We need to challenge old stigmas and set new standards for ourselves, whether in TV or arts or our personal lives. Social norms that does not make sense should be abolished, while keeping in mind the values that have kept us in place for thousands of years.

What say you?

Ja neh!!!