Friday, December 01, 2006


It is like a dream come true, isn't it. To think that in 1997 or thereabout, internet access as a privilege few could afford due to the premium prices that one has to fork our ro stay connect to the world on the information superhighway, at horrendously slow speeds too. Think twice before downloading that illegal mp3 because it could take 30 minutes at those primitive speeds. Now, to being to an end to the year 2006, we have free wireless broadband access in most public places, especially in the Central Business District (CBD). While it is not meant to replace internet access at home, it does provide an avenue for people to work on the go, or make their time more productive.

I remember one Chinese text telling a story of how a prominent scientist's friend was late & when he arrived, apologized profusely for wasting his precious time. That prominent scientist replied that no time was wasted at all as he had just solved a complexed equation while he was waiting, doing the calculations in his head!!! What kind of nerd does that?!!!

Anyway, here are the places where we can get Wireless@SG for now. More will be added as time goes by.

Ja neh!!!