Monday, March 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Darence!!!

Today's Darence's birthday, so it was decided that we would go out for lunch, while a surprise birthday cake (not so surprising in the end) was being bought so we can have dessert after lunch. Went to 907 coffeeshop where birthday boy gave us a treat. Each of us got to choose a dish so I asked the auntie taking our orders what was the most expensive dish they had. However, i ordered the vegetables in the end. Not as good as I expected but the the rest were okie. The cereal in the cereal prawns was absolutely smashing. How can cereal taste so good?

The birthday cake. Black forest. Yummy!!!
Birthday boy making a wish. I wonder what he wished for? A BWM 7 series, Dean of CEE suddenly telling him that he can graduated with first class honours without taking any more exams (I also want!!!), erm, we quickly sing him a birthday song so we can turn back on the fans because we were all sweating profusely??? Hmmm...

Birthday boy cutting the cake with the plastic knife. Slurp slurp!!!

Group photo. A bit blur because we didn't use a tripod.

Ja neh!!!