Saturday, July 01, 2006

Goodbye Corellian

All good things must come to an end & it's really a sad occasion as the pub I frequent decided to take a break as the landlord wanted to increase the rental of the place. It's not easy for a pub to survive in the fickle pubbing & clubbing scene, so it ate into the bottom line, & it's time to look for a new location.

I've been going to this pub for over a year now, the first time being meowie24's 302 class outing. At the end of the outing, they deicded to have some drinks over in Mohd Sultan, & this is how I got to know this place.

The people are friendly here & it's cosy. I've come to know the shareholders & the waitresses that work here too. I remember Madeline (Maddy as she prefers), a nice, tanned, sport looking girl who is more "kan tang" than "peng tang". There's also Josephine, Sylvia (I think, who quitted a while before the landlord wanted more money) & the rest whom are nice enough to chat with me when I'm there alone.

During the World Cup, the pub allowed regulars & insiders to stay behind to watch the 0300hrs matches of the first round even though they were not allowed to by the terms & conditions of their license. It was my first time staying in a pub from 2000 till 0500hrs, for a few nights in a row. Some even bought along safari beds to make themselves more comfortable!!!

Kurt told me they will be looking for a place during the 2-month long Hungry Ghost Festival & will keep me in contact about their new location. Even though this goodbye is not permanent, but still, it hurts when good company has to part, just like in any relationship, not necessarily between a boy & a girl.

So in the meantime, I have to watch soccer matches at coffeeshops & Changi Village. These places don't really do a good job of filling up the void in my heart. Change is inevitable, so I guess I have to ride the waves or get washed away by them.

Thank you Correlian, for you have given me so many happy memories, so many good times. I celebrated my birthday there once too, & both meowie24 & I got cheesecakes from 7-11 after Linus found out it was our birthday!!! So sweet right???

It's hard to fight back the tears, but I'll hold them in for a little longer, just in case. Tears are precious, use them wisely.

Goodbye Correlian.