Saturday, January 14, 2006

Guys night out @ Correlian

Among the present were Richard, Chris (not in picture), Yixiang & yours truly. Typically guy's night out. There was drinking, smoking, gossiping (yes, we're man-whores aka male sluts who bitch about anything & everything). There were poker cards & dice tossing (like those you have seen in God of Gamblers). And also Josephine, a girl who works at the Correlian part time. She joined us for drinks & cats with us when she's not serving drinks of making sure our glasses, mixers & ice bucket are filled.

That night, out of nowhere, we decided to talk about our love lives & past relationships, both the ugly & the beautiful. Josephine was in the middle of a relationship that was on the rocks & as she poured out her troubles & shared her sorrows, the tears flowed freely too. We cried, we wept, we talked about how heartless men can be & what headaches we have caused the fairer sex. Women too are guily of all these, but we men are guilty more often. Yes I admit it. We men aree pigs and that's why you girls love us. I think.

It's the first time I've seen the vulnerable side of Josephine. She has given me the impression of a street-wise girl, someone who has been there & done that, but after seeing the tears & hearing what she has to say, underneathe that tough exterior, she's just an ordinary girl who wants what all girls want. A meaningful relationship, someone to take care of and be taken care by, someone she can talk to, share ups & downs, dreams & ambitions.

I hope she finds her Prince Charming or the knight in shining armour, because she deserves better than the creep she cried her eyes out for. I was a creep too, but I've learnt my mistake & must move onto the future.

Ja neh!!!