Friday, June 16, 2006

Boring day

Nothing much happened in the past few days since the last post. Had my GP 07 exams yesterday which was a disaster. The exam questions were no surprises. I even managed to spot the first compulsory question & a few others before the exam but there was a severe lack of preparation. Too little too late, again. Sigh, when will I ever learn my lesson. Maybe I should just post some pictures I have in my computer. Anyway the weather is pretty cool this morning, making it a nice day to sleep in, but I know I should probably pack my room or go to the gym or book my IPPT. How come I procrastinate so much? Must be some bad gene I have in my body. Wonder who gave the gene to me?

The mouse is probably having more fun than I have in my whole life!!! He (I assume it's a male, no reasons for my assumption) knows what he wants & how to get it. He takes risks & lives life to the fullest. I just live day by day. There's something seriously wrong with me. How can I have a life-changing experience that would make me the opposite of what I am now? Hmmm...

Anybody out there had something (nice or otherwise) happened to them that let them see life in a different way? Please share.

Ja neh!!!