Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The cursed match

Friends told me that England has not won a game in the past 15 years, or was it 50 years? Hmmm. My ears need a checkup. Anyway it was a really long time, & England could only draw or lose to Sweden, so the logical wager would be to "eat balls" or get an positive asian handicap right? No, my backside was itchy, the England supporter in me was strong & rampant, so I "give / put balls" or got a negative asian handicap. In the end, my joy turned into pain when they equalized at the 90th minute!!! The curse is true!!! Chou Ji Dan!!!

Another low point of the match came as early as the 4th minute when Owen was injured (I do not know how) & had to be subsituted by Peter Crouch. Sigh. How come strikers get injured all the time? First it was Rooney, then Owen. I guess even if they do not get to play competitive soccer in future, all the money they are making now & the insurance payout is more than enough to last 3 generations. Maybe it would last just half a generation for them because they are not as thrifty & investment orientated as Asians are in general. Heez.

Please be careful on the pitch & get any more injuries hor!!! Wait no more strikers for England liao. Sigh.

Ja neh!!!