Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Movies I have watched recently

What you see is actually the second time I'm doing up this entry because the NTU network has given up on me temporarily. Sigh, all my "hard work" is gone. Anyway, this is the second installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, the first being The curse of the Black Pearl. After the movie ended, I had the feeling i was left hanging in midair, but do appreciate the great acting by Johnny Depp, the same guy who acted as the "garderner" in Edward Scissorhands.

Read more about the movie here.

Another sequel movie, the third in the Fast & Furious series, it reviewed by many of my friends as not living up to expectations. I, on the other hand, find it platable as it had all the elements of a movie which i enjoy. Lots of action (fighting, racing, etc), a simple (or even shallow storyline) so that even I can understand what is going on, & lots of beautiful people (who does not like to look at beautiful things? Especially SYTs aka Sweet Young Things). I mean no offence to the fairer sex, but if you do take offence, you are probably just ugly or fat or just gross, muahahahahaha!!! Kidding lah.

Read more about it here.

This is the most recent movie I have seen & I do have a liking for such animated movies. Other examples would include Robots, etc. Heartwarming as well as motivational. Do not let anybody bully you!!!

Read more about it here.

Please ask me out to watch movies hor!!!

Ja neh!!!