Thursday, August 03, 2006

Noble Pink Nintendo DS Lite

According to this article, the pink version is released in conjection with a cooking game!!! Yes, there is another handheld gaming console in the house & it is the Number 1 console in Japan & many other parts of the world. The Nintendo DS Lite.

It cost SGD$289 for the pink version & it does not come with the "usual" 3 month warranty!!! Have equals don't have. How many of our purchases come with only 3 months warranty? Outrageous right? Anyway the white version is the cheapest at SGD$249 followed by the black or light blue version. I wonder why it is officially known as noble pink? Since when being noble is being associated with the colour pink. Why not just call it Light Pink or just Pink like the rest of the normal human population.

No comments on how it compares with the PSP but I do believe they each have their own strengths & weakness. Might do a review after some time with the DS Lite.

The first original (I am obligated by social norms to say that we should not support piracy but I am ruled by the Laws of Economics) game we bought together with the screen protector & the DS Lite itself is Tetris.

Review of tetris DS

Ja neh!!!