Tuesday, October 24, 2006

NTU lecturer & his feedback forms

I guess some of you have heard about this video as it is making its rounds among the student population. Mischa sent me one of the sites on which this video was hosted so I went YouTube to search for it. As some of you might already know, the feedback forms make their appearance at the end of every lecturer's part & I am guessing whether they are promoted or getting a pay raise is never dependent on what is written on these forms that cost SGD$0.22 each. Well, they are printed on thick, good quality paper, but that is all they are worth. Usually a lecturer will teach for one half of the semester, either before the recess or after.

No matter how badly a lecturer teaches, he never gets cautioned or sacked, so in my opinion it is just a formality. Something to show the auditors to get ISO certification or something like that. I have seen my fair share of horrible + terrible lecturers, whom nobody can understand their accents, or what they are trying to teach us. Some are just plain lazy & smoking his way through. Sometimes it is really not their fault but trust me, there are those who are doing more harm than good to the undergraduate population.

Anyway, enjoy this video & work hard for the exams. I believe he is a EEE (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) lecturer. AT least some of them seem genuine in their desire to teach in a manner that captures a student's attention rather than make headlines for all the wrong reasons.

By the way, I feel NTU are paying their lecturers too much. I definitely cannot afford to keep a mistress even if I want to, or if a girl / woman / sweet young thing wants to be my Number Two because the bar has been raised so high. You know who I am talking about. Yes, it is you. My personal opinion. First, I need to find Numero Uno. Are you out there or have I already found you?

Lastly, if all of my lecturers are just half as entertaining, I would have been on the Dean's List for 4 consecutive years & graduated with First Class Honours. I know I am not that stewpig, just unbelieveably lazy. :(

Ja neh!!!