Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Early part of the 2nd day of recess

A nice ice cold Coke takes away my headaches.
This is Darence, 1 of my project mate. He has quitted smoking & I will use him as 1 of my sources of motivation. We're both Manchester United fans (yes, i can hear the groaning from here) & he's a nice guy.

A good part of the day has just zoomed passed by me without doing anything of real constructive value. Sigh. Yesterday richard (my hall neighbour) told me a chinese proverb about how time is like an arrow. Well, I think it's faster than an arrow. Feeling rather sleepy today after doing more work on the Structures II project. The bridge we're building (if you think of cambridge, it's quite lame) has started to take shape and we were able to work much faster than yesterday's session.

As usual we went to the Protective Engineering Lab in the afternoon to start work, but all the senseless & useless nagging by the technicians were driving me crazy. They keep going on & on about how we should always wear shoes that covered our toes in the lab, we should always push in the chairs after we're done using them & not doing any drilling in the air con area. I mean, come on!!! You're making us undergrads sound like idiots. I mean, of course we know that we're not supposed to do any drilling in the air-con area, because that would make the place dirty & there isn't a proper vice to hold the specimen securely while we drill. And if we do drill in the air-con area, it's because we're too lazy to go out & too many people are fighting over the same power socket. Sad to say there're many selfish people in NTU who only care about their own business & are paranoid about other groups making more progress than them. Sigh. The higher you go, the keener the competition, up to the point where it becomes meaningless & choking.

We went back to hall 11 block 56 tv lounge to comtine with our project. Jason, Richard & company were already there disscussing their own project but they say they can share the place with us & do not mind the drilling. So nice of them!!! And these people were from the polytechnics. So maybe that's the difference between poly & jc culture. I'm quite satisfied with the progree we've made today & should be able to complete everything in another session. We decided against that because Jasmine has 4 nos (FOUR!!!) quizzes when school reopens. So I guess I should make use of the remaining time to complete as many backdated tutorials as possible, study for my 2 nos quizzes & also to go to the lab to get some work done on my FYP.

I'm nobody's child. Sigh. If only my original supervisor was here to guide me in this project. I had wanted to work with him, but he has gone to a much better place liao. Hope he will look out for me & guide me through this FYP. For now, i must put my trust in SKY, LQS & my fellow lab mates.