Thursday, September 15, 2005

First Steel Design tutorial done

Finally, i managed to do the first tutorial & I guess a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I hope I had taken that step & in the correct direction too. Kinda tired, both physically & mentally too. Studying is really hard work. Today i studies in the tc lounge of Blk 56 because I noticed that people seldome go there to watch tv & it's usually deserted. Which is a good thing, so I can concentrate on my work without being tempted to people-watch.

Gonna take a shower soon after this post & being work on reading the lecture notes & doing tutorial 2. It's rather late to be doing tutorials now, but better late than never. At least tomorrow's not the exam paper & I'm not trying to cover as much ground before I go & face the exam paper. Happened to me too many times liao, & I don't like the feeling at all.

Ja neh!!!