Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry christmas 2005

Back in hall after spending a day & a night at home. Did nothing much. Wanted to complete my FYP report but as usual, couldn't get any real work done. I guess I've been bitten by the slack bug too many times liao. Nothing much to do, nobody asked me out to party & I don't really have the Christmas mood to do anything remotely connected to Christmas

The next few days will be spent reflecting on the past year, the ups & downs (more downs than ups) & what I can do to make my life a little less meaningless. My attempt to clear all modules & be on track to graduate in 4 years has backfired. Due to many reasons, but no point blaming anything but myself when things go wrong. Because even if they're really due to other reasons, nobody gives a damn about what went wrong. They are only concerned with the fact that you failed. So no pointing of fingers at anything else except myself.

No christmas eve dinner this year. No clubbing or drinking session. Only me & my computer, in my lonely little room, in Hall Eleven.

Lastly, I would like to wish those people who cared for me, in the past, in the present & in the future, merry christmas, a happy new year, & success in their new stuff that's happening in your lives.

Ja Neh!!!